H.323 two-way call required ports:
Call Type Number of Required UDP and TCP Ports
• 8 UDP ports (6 if presentations are disabled)
• 2 TCP ports
• TCP port 1720
• Each additional video participant added requires 8 UDP ports and 2 TCP ports per H.323
• 2 UDP ports
• 2 TCP ports
• TCP port 1720
• Each additional audio participant added requires 2 UDP ports and 2 TCP ports.
SIP two-way call required ports:
Call Type Number of Required UDP Ports
• 6 UDP ports
• UDP port 5060
• Each additional video participant added requires 6 UDP ports per SIP participant.
• 2 UDP ports
• UDP port 5060
• Each additional audio participant added requires 2 UDP ports.
Configuring Quality of Service
You can specify network Quality of Service (QoS) settings in the Administrator Preferences : Network : Network QoS
Set these preferences according to the settings used in your network.
Network QoS preferences are supported with IPv4 addressing only. If you enable IPv6 addressing on your LifeSize system,
QoS preferences are ignored for IPv6 calls. For more information about IPv6 addressing, refer to “Enabling IPv6 Addressing”
on page 36.
You can specify DiServ (dierentiated services) or IntServ (integrated services) values for audio, video, and data packets.
You can also set the IntServ Type of Service (ToS) preference.
Configuring LifeSize Transit Preferences
If you are using LifeSize Transit with your system, refer to your LifeSize Transit documentation for information about how to
congure preferences in Administrator Preferences : Network : LifeSize Transit.