106 - ASP RATIO LOCK (Aspect Ratio Lock)
Set to 1 to retain previous aspect ratio with power off. Set to 0 to
retain default aspect ratio with power off. See item 096 DEF. ASP.
RATIO above.
116 - VIDEO MUTE EN (Video Mute Enable)
Set to 0 for Normal. Set to 1 for Blank.
117 - FACT DEFAULT (Factory Default)
Set to 0 for normal. Set to 1 to load presets of all Installer Menu
item settings. Setting this item to 1 will also re-activate the Express
Script Installer Menu Wizard (see pages 11 to 14).
Caution: If set to 1, this will reload the factory defaults
and clear the channel lineup, including any assigned
channel icons and custom text labels.
Note: See also Reference section, “Resetting Factory Defaults on
the TV(s),” for further information.
Default set to 3—the power circuitry for both the embedded b-
LAN module and the GAME CONTROL/MPI port is only powered
when the TV is turned ON. When the TV is in Standby Mode, the
embedded b-LAN and the GAME CONTROL/MPI port are not
Note that the TV must be turned ON in order to communicate with
the embedded b-LAN module for conguration and control when
POWER SAVINGS is set to 3. If POWER SAVINGS is set to 1,
the b-LAN module is always powered.
Similarly, if MPI communication is required for external MPI
control, POWER SAVINGS should be set to 1 so that the GAME
CONTROL/MPI port circuitry is always powered.
Note: See Reference section, “b-LAN Setup & Overview,” for
further information.
Set to 0 (default) to disable. Set to the RF channel number of the
data channel for Pro:Centric or TV E-Z Installation (splash screen,
conguration, and rmware) data.
The TV may take several minutes to load EPG data after AC
power is initially applied.
121 - P:C RF WAKE HR
Set the hour from 0 to 23 for Wake On RF. This item uses the 24-
hour clock format. The value “128” is displayed as “OFF.” Directly
entering 128 turns the Wake On RF feature OFF.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
119 DATA CHANNEL is set to 0.
122 - P:C RF WAKE MN
Set the minute from 0 to 59 for Wake On RF.
Note: This item is not available in the Installer Menu when item
119 DATA CHANNEL is set to 0 or when item 121 P:C RF WAKE
HR is set to 128/OFF.
Installer Menu (Cont.)