Function Value Range Default Value Brief Description of Function
000 INSTALLER SEQ 0 ~ 3 0 Leave default set to 0.
001 POWER MANAGE 0 ~ 7 0 Sets number of hours of no activity before automatic shutoff.
002 AC ON 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable TV to turn ON when AC power is applied.
003 BAND/AFC 0 ~ 3 1 Selects Tuning Band: 0=Broadcast, 1=CATV, 2=HRC, 3=IRC
004 STRT CHANNEL 0 ~ 127, 255 255
Channel tuned when TV is turned ON. (Set to 255 to tune to channel tuned
before TV turned OFF.)
005 CHAN LOCK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, cannot tune from current channel.
007 STRT VOLUME 0 ~ 63, 255 255
Volume level when TV is turned ON. (Set to 255 to use volume level
before TV turned OFF.)
008 MIN VOLUME 0 ~ 63 0 Sets minimum allowable volume setting.
009 MAX VOLUME 0 ~ 63 63 Sets maximum allowable volume setting.
010 MUTE DISABLE 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable Mute Function.
011 KEY DEFEAT 0 / 1 1 If set to 1, menu navigation buttons on display panel are not functional.
012 IR BANKS EN. 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable TV to respond to bank discrete IR codes.
013 SCAN MODE 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to allow Channel Up/Down to turn ON TV. (See detailed descriptions.)
014 STRT CH IN SM 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to use the Start Channel for the Channel Map pivot point in Scan Mode.
015 SLEEP TIMER 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Sleep Timer.
016 EN TIMER 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable On/Off Timers.
017 ALARM 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Alarm.
0 ~ 1, 16 ~ 24,
64 ~ 65
1 Determines an additional IR code scheme to which the TV will respond.
021 V-CHIP 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable V-Chip (Parental Control) functions.
022 MAX BLK HRS 0 ~ 99 12 Sets number of V-Chip blocking hours.
023 CAPTION LOCK 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to retain caption setting before TV turned Off.
025 FUNCTION PRE. 0 ~ 1 1
Set to 1 to allow Channel Preview/Banks Setup Menu access via CH
PREVIEW key on Installer Remote.
027 HOSPITAL MODE 0 ~ 162, 254 254
Set according to the speaker selection, the pillow speaker code/supply voltage,
and the hospital IR code. See detailed instructions.
028 CH. OVERIDE 0 / 1 1 If set to 0, limits direct access to favorite channels.
029 OLD OCV 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to change MPI operation to OCV.
030 ACK MASK 0 / 1 0 If set to 1, enables ACK feature of MPI.
031 POLL RATE 20 ~ 169 94 Selects poll rate for MPI.
032 TIMING PULSE 186 ~ 227 207 Sets baud rate for MPI.
035 COMPPORT EN. * 0 / 1 1 Set to 0 to disable HDMI 1. Set to 1 enable HDMI 1.
039 REAR AUX EN 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable display panel Video 1 input jack.
046 STRT AUX SRCE 1, 3 ~ 5, 255 255 Sets the starting Aux source (if item 004 STRT CHANNEL is set to 0).
047 AUX STATUS 0 / 1 0
Set to 1 for MPI Aux source to be reported as a channel number instead of
Channel 0.
053 DIS. CH-TIME 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable Channel-Time display.
069 EN. CH-T COL. 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display.
070 FOR. CH-TIME 0 ~ 7 2 Chooses custom foreground color for the Channel-Time display.
* HDMI1 ENABLE for LQ630H/CQ610H TVs with PTC v1.00.029 or later.
Installer Menu Items 000 through 070
Installer Menu (Cont.)