Port Specific Control
Port Enable: enabling the port. This function is co-responding with “Master
Enable” function.
Bypass Detection: bypass the detection function. Normally the system will try
to detect the 25kΩ resistor in an 802.3af compliant PD device. If the PD doesn’t
follow by IEEE 802.3af standard, you can enable this option to skip the detection
on PD. When you enable this function, the system will not perform the 25Ω
resistor detection for PD and directly transmit the power to PD. This function can
be cooperating with “PD discover R (ohms)” function in System setup & Control
section for non-standard compliant PD device.
[Note] after setting the Bypass Detection function, please unplug and then plug in
the PD device.
Bypass Classification: the system will skip the power classification and directly
transmit the power to PD when this function is enabling. Normally the system will
try to classify the 802.3af compliant PD device by checking the current class level.
The following table is a standard current classification level table.
[Note] after setting the Bypass Classification function, please unplug and then plug
in the PD device.
Power Device
Power (W)
Classification Current
Class Usage
0 Default 0.44 12.95 0 4
1 Optional 0.44 3.84 9 12
2 Optional 3.84 6.49 17 20
3 Optional 6.49 12.95 26 30
4 Optional Reserved for future use 36 44
Table of Power Device Classification Levels
LED Status Indicators: current LED indicator display – green, yellow, and red.