Command Line Interface
This example shows the configuration setting for port 24.
Console#show interfaces switchport ethernet 1/24
Broadcast threshold: Enabled, 32000 octets/second
LACP status: Enabled
Ingress rate limit: disable, Level: 30
Egress rate limit: disable, Level: 30
VLAN membership mode: Hybrid
Ingress rule: Disabled
Acceptable frame type: All frames
Native VLAN: 1
Priority for untagged traffic: 0
Gvrp status: Disabled
Allowed Vlan: 1(u),
Forbidden Vlan:
Private-VLAN mode: NONE
Private-VLAN host-association: NONE
Private-VLAN mapping: NONE
Table 4-41 Interfaces Switchport Statistics
Field Description
Broadcast threshold Shows if broadcast storm suppression is enabled or disabled; if enabled it also
shows the threshold level (page 4-114).
Lacp status Shows if Link Aggregation Control Protocol has been enabled or disabled
(page 4-125).
Ingress/Egress rate limit Shows if rate limiting is enabled, and the current rate limit. (page 4-121).
VLAN membership mode Indicates membership mode as Trunk or Hybrid (page 4-152).
Ingress rule Shows if ingress filtering is enabled or disabled (page 4-153).
Acceptable frame type Shows if acceptable VLAN frames include all types or tagged frames only
(page 4-152).
Native VLAN Indicates the default Port VLAN ID (page 4-154).
Priority for untagged traffic Indicates the default priority for untagged frames (page 4-168).
Gvrp status Shows if GARP VLAN Registration Protocol is enabled or disabled (page 4-165).
Allowed Vlan Shows the VLANs this interface has joined, where “(u)” indicates untagged and
“(t)” indicates tagged (page 4-155).
Forbidden Vlan Shows the VLANs this interface can not dynamically join via GVRP (page 4-156).
Private VLAN mode Shows the private VLAN mode as host, promiscuous, or none (4-161).
Private VLAN
Shows the secondary (or community) VLAN with which this port is associated
Private VLAN mapping Shows the primary VLAN mapping for a promiscuous port (4-163).