MX535 UAIS Transponder Unit
Technical & Installation Manual
3.6 Specific Recommendations
3.6.1 Recommendations Concerning AIS Systems
Recommendations for the installation of AIS systems are published in the IMO document NAV 48/WP.1. See
this document for further information. The following sections also contain information, which has been taken
from IMO NAV 48/WP.1.
3.6.2 Recommendations Concerning the Installation of the Transponder Unit
The Transponder Unit should be mounted on a vertical bulkhead. A distance of at least 300 mm from other
devices must be ensured above and below the housing for sufficient air circulation.
3.6.3 Recommendations Concerning the Installation of the VHF Antenna
The digital signals of the AIS may occur as a periodic clicking sound on a ship’s radiotelephone. This effect
may become stronger when the VHF antenna of the AIS is located near the VHF radiotelephone antenna and
when the radiotelephone is operating on channels near the AIS operating channels (for example channels 27,
28, 86).
The antenna should be placed in an elevated position that is as unobstructed as possible, with a minimum of
2 m in the horizontal direction from any structures made of conductive materials. The antenna should not be
installed close to any large vertical obstruction. The objective for the VHF antenna is that it should "see" the
horizon freely through 360°.
The VHF antenna should be installed safely away from interfering high-power energy sources such as the
radar scanner and other transmitting radio antennas, preferably at least 3 m away from and out of the
transmitting beam.
Ideally there should not be more than one antenna on the same level. The AIS VHF antenna should be
mounted directly above or below the ship’s primary VHF radiotelephone antenna, with no horizontal
separation and with a minimum of 2 m vertical separation. If it is located on the same level as other antennas,
the distance apart should be at least 10 m.
3.6.4 Recommendations Concerning the Installation of the GPS Antenna
The GPS antenna should be installed where it has a clear "view" of the sky. The objective is that it should
"see" the horizon freely through 360° with a vertical observation sector of 5...90° above the horizon. Small
diameter obstructions, such as masts and booms, do not seriously degrade signal reception, but such objects
should not eclipse more than a few degrees of any given bearing.
Locate the antenna at least 3 m away from and out of the transmitting beam of high-power transmitters (S-
Band radar and/or INMARSAT systems). This includes the ship’s own AIS VHF antenna.