VOLUME: Adjusts the overall volume of the clean channel (Channel A) This channel is designed to produce ultra clean tones.
Try cranking the volume control up a little to push the output tubes harder for that real retro sound you can only get with a
quality tube amplifier. Now use your guitar volume control to adjust the amount of distortion. (Wind it up a little for mild
distortion, back it off a little for clean)
BRIGHT: Adds brightness and life to your tones when on the clean channel. Adds edge and picking emphasis when on the
clean drive channel (22-24) This switch has more effect at low clean volume (20)and drive (23) settings. Use in conjunction
with the clean treble control (12) for optimum performance.
DRIVE SWITCH: Switch in to enable the drive stage for the clean channel. When active the led will illuminate. Note: This
switch must be set to ‘on’ to enable remote switching via the FS4 footswitch.
DRIVE: Sets the level of tube preamplifier gain or how dirty your sound is for channel A drive. This channel is designed to
produce clean crunch sounds. This control should be used in conjunction with the Volume (23) Setting low levels of gain with
high levels of volume will give a clean preamplifier sound with tube output stage overdrive. Setting a medium gain level and
medium Volume will give a nice crisp bluesy lead tone, again with the ability to drive the output stage at higher Volume settings.
Setting a high level on the Gain control and a low setting on the Volume will give you a punchy hard rock lead tone, with the
ability to again drive the output tubes at higher Volume settings. Having set the Gain and Volume controls to your desired
sound try backing off your guitar volume and tone controls for lots of other cool sounds. Good tube amplifiers have the
unique ability to produce a wide range of sounds by using only your guitar controls, playing weight and style.
VOLUME: Sets the overall ‘loudness’ of Channel A drive.
STANDBY: Disconnects the HT supply from the Tubes whilst the heaters still keep them warm. This allows you to switch
out of standby and play without waiting for your amplifier to warm up. This is useful after you have sound checked and you are
waiting to go on stage - leave the amp in standby so its ready to go when performance time comes. Always switch off for
short breaks when you don’t want to wait for the tubes to warm up again.
POWER: Main power switch for the unit. The VH100R features delay turn on circuitry to increase tube life, the HT supply to
the tubes gets switched on only after they have warmed up and are ready to go - approx 30 seconds.
It is useful to experiment with the gain and volume controls. If you
want a very open, warm and semi overdriven sound try reducing the amount of gain (23) and increasing the volume. This
reduces pre amp gain but pushes the power amp section and makes it work harder giving you a very desirable level of power
amp distortion which is a very pleasing “retro” style sound.
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