Line Out:
Hi and Lo Preshapes:
Graphic EQ:
Full, Bright & Horns:
Socket for providing a line-level-signal-source for connecting to an additional
external power-amplifier.
There are two factory-determined EQ settings which can be used as
building-blocks in conjunction with the onboard graphic-EQ (25) to achieve individual tone. The
HI button adds boost to the high-end of the frequency spectrum whilst the LO button adds
additional low-end boost to the signal.
The 6-band onboard GRAPHIC-EQ allows extensive tonal-shaping to be
achieved. With the sliders along the centre-line the GRAPHIC-EQ will exert a flat signal-
response; it is at this point that individual frequency-bands can be cut or boosted. Moving the
slider beneath the centre-line will incur a frequency-cut; conversely, pushing the slider above
the centre-line facilitates frequency-boost. As a general rule, avoid extreme settings of the
sliders: try to set the GRAPHIC with as little cut or boost as possible.
The FULL button engages a speaker-control function that produces a
pronounced, tighter bottom-end. The BRIGHT button adds an increased attack and sparkle to
the upper frequencies present in the amplifier. The HORNS switch engages or disengages the
onboard horns.
26. Full, Bright &
Horns EQ:
23.Line out:
24. Pre shapes:
25. Graphic EQ: