
Minimize Handling. Keep parts in original containers
until ready for use.
Discharge personal static
before handling devices.
Handle devices by the body. Use anti-static containers for
handling and transport.
Do not slide devices over any
Avoid plastic, vinyl and
styrofoam in work area.
When removing plug-in
assemblies, handle only by
non-conductive edges and
never touch open edge
connector except at static-free
work station. Placing shorting
strips on edge connector
usually provides complete
protection to installed devices.
Handle devices only at a static-
free work station.
Only anti-static type solder
suckers should be used.
Only grounded tip soldering
irons should be used.
VanLink System featuring TouchStar™ Technology - Troll Systems Corporation Safety Considerations
Document VLSG-01 - 10/17/2008 S-5
Figure S–1. Procedures for Handling Electrostatic Sensitive Components