
How to Order Better Buys
A subscription to Better Buys for Business costs $149.95.
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(including shipping). Prepayment is required for all
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No Advertising. No Bias. No Compromise
Our mission is to provide the highest caliber of analysis
and advice to buyers of document imaging equipment and
o deliver it at a price that is affordable for businesses of
all sizes. Accuracy, fairness, and good writing are our hall-
marks in this industry. We accept no advertising, and we
have no bias. With each guide, we strive for nothing short
f excellence. We are widely recognized in the office
equipment industry as a unique, influential publication
with a style all our own.
Update Information @ www.betterbuys.com
We are now publishing databases on our website showing
the specifications and prices of machines in all the sub-
jects we cover — you can search for machines by brand
and by whether they are new or anything has changed
since the publication of the last guide on a topic. The type
of information is the same as in the charts in the guides
themselves, but the web databases are updated through-
out the year — and they contain short comments on
what’s new.
These databases are designed to be used in conjunction
with the guides, and we restrict access to readers of those
guides by requiring user names and passwords. The user
name to access the database covering this guide is:
LIFE.The password is: LIFETIME. User names and
passwords for other databases are shown on the back
covers of the guides to which they relate. User names and
passwords are changed when the guides are replaced.
Slipcase Reminder
The best way to protect and organize your guides is to
order a custom Better Buys slipcase (able to hold at least
10 guides). Only $13, including shipping.
The Low-Volume Copier
Multifunctional Guide
lack-and-white copiers below 22 pages per minute or less than
$1,000, for volumes between several hundred and 10,000 copies
per month. Includes multifunctional models with full platen copier
The Mid-Volume Copier
& Multifunctional Guide
Black-and-white copiers and multifunctionals (copy, print, fax, and
scan) that cruise at 20–49 pages per minute and support 11" x 17"
best suited for 10,000–40,000 copies per month.
The High-Volume Copier
& Multifunctional Guide
Black-and-white copiers and multifunctionals (copy, print, fax, and
scan) that cruise at 50–135 pages per minute — suitable for over
30,000–40,000 copies per month.
The Laser Fax Guide
Covers laser plain-paper faxes, many of which also have low-end
multifunctional capabilities.
The Printer Multifunctional Guide
Small-office multifunctionals and multifunctional office printers that
print at up to 50ppm. These also copy, scan, and fax, and include
both ink jet and laser machines that operate in black-and-white
and color.
The Office Laser Printer Guide
Black-and-white laser printers that run at up to 49ppm. These
machines can be either personal, workgroup, or departmental
The High-Volume Printer
& Digital Duplicator Guides
Two-in-one guide: (1) Laser printers with speeds of 50–135 pages
per minute; (2) High-speed digital duplicators.
The Color Laser Printer
& Business Ink Jet Printer Guides
Two-in-one guide: (1) Color laser-class printers for the office from
$499; (2) Business ink jet printers from $99.
The Color Copier Guide
Full-color copiers that can also double as upscale color printers.
Prices from $2,000 to and higher.
The Scan-to-File Guide
Mid/high-volume scanners for document management, and an
introduction to electronic filing systems.
Publishing Intervals & Guide Numbering
All guides are numbered using a consecutive n
ing system.
It’s generally easiest to request a guide by its name, not number.
The month and year in which a guide was printed is shown on the
first inside page of each guide
New editions of each guide are
published at approximately annual intervals (call 800 247 2185 or
check www.betterbuys.com for latest dates). New guides do not
appear every month and, sometimes, more than one new guide
may be published in the same month. A subscription is for 10
guides, which are delivered over a 12-month period.
Independent Consumer Guides to Document Imaging Equipment