
5 Key Beep Set key beep length and touch
tone playback speed. Possible
settings: “long,” “normal.”
6 One-touch Enable/disable one-touch phone
book memory dialing. Possible
settings: “enable,” “disable.”
7 Privacy Set the voice privacy feature for
CDMA calls. Possible settings:
“enhanced,” “standard.”
CDMA offers inherent voice
privacy. Check with your service
provider for availability of the
enhanced voice privacy mode.
During a call, if active, you will
see an inverse “P” on the same
line as the call time.
5 Display
This allows you to choose what you see on the
1 Backlight Choose the setting of the LCD
and keypad backlighting.
Possible settings: “always on,”
“always off,” “10 seconds,” “30
seconds,” “on when earpiece up.”
“10 seconds” turns the backlight
off 10 seconds after the last key
was pressed. “30 seconds” waits
30 seconds after the last key
press. For the 10 and 30 seconds
options, backlighting will not
turn on if the earpiece is down.
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