
76 Customizing Your Phone
Setting message alerts
You can choose how you want be alerted of incoming voicemail, pages, or
text messages.
1. Select Menu Settings Msg Settings Alerts.
2. Select the type of alert: Message Alert, Net Alert, Page Alert, or Voicemail
3. Press
to select an option:
Vibrate, Beep, HiYa!, Rock!, or HappySet the phone to vibrate, beep, or
play a tune once when a new message is received.
Options with remindSet the phone to notify you once when a new
message is received and then notify you again every five minutes. To
stop a reminder alert, press to select Ignore.
DisabledTurn off message alerts.
Setting alerts for your headset
When a headset (sold separately) is attached to the phone, you can set
alert sounds to originate from the headset.
1. Select Menu
Settings Accessories Headset Ring.
2. Select Out of headset to have alerts originate from the headset.