
Chapter 2 Operating the Laser Printer
2.5. Emulation Selection
The following emulations can be selected for this printer. The emulation selected is stored even
while the printer’s power is off.
Line printer
IBM Proprinter
Diablo 630
Epson LQ-850
HP LaserJet 5M (Default setting)
KC-GL Emulation
The following settings can be made from the sub-menu when KC-GL emulation is selected.
Display Description
>KC-GL Pen width The width of pens (1) through (8) can be set in 1-dot increments from 01
to 99. After selecting the pen on this sub-menu, you can also display
and select the width set for that pen on a lower menu.
>KC-GL Page set Any of the following page sizes can be set: A2, A1, A0, B3, B2,
B1, B0, SPSZ (custom size specified using the SPSZ command). The
selected page size will be automatically reduced to the actual paper size
being used.