
Engine Oil :
Refer to the following table for the suitable American Petroleum Institute (API) classification of engine oil
according to the engine type (with internal EGR, external EGR or non-EGR) and the Fuel Type Used :
(Low Sulfur, Ultra Low Sulfur or High Sulfur Fuels).
EGR : Exhaust Gas Re-circulation
CJ-4 classification oil is intended for use in engines equipped with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and is
Not Recommended for use in Kubota E3 specification engines.
Oil used in the engine should have API classification and Proper SAE Engine Oil Viscosity according to
the ambient temperatures where the engine is operated.
With strict emission control regulations now in effect, the CF-4 and CG-4 engine oils have been developed
for use with low sulfur fuels, for On-Highway vehicle engines. When a Non-Road engine runs on high
sulfur fuel, it is advisable to use a "CF or better" classification engine oil with a high Total Base Number
(a minimum TBN of 10 is recommended).
Fuel :
Cetane Rating : The minimum recommended Fuel Cetane Rating is 45. A cetane rating greater than 50 is
preferred, especially for ambient temperatures below 20 °C (4 °F) or elevations above 1500 m (5000 ft).
Diesel Fuel Specification Type and Sulfur Content % (ppm) used, must be compliant with all applicable
emission regulations for the area in which the engine is operated.
Use of diesel fuel with sulfur content less than 0.10 % (1000 ppm) is strongly recommended.
If high-sulfur fuel (sulfur content 0.50 % (5000 ppm) to 1.0 % (10000 ppm)) is used as a diesel fuel, change
the engine oil and oil filter at shorter intervals. (approximately half)
DO NOT USE Fuels that have sulfur content greater than 1.0 % (10000 ppm).
Diesel fuels specified to EN 590 or ASTM D975 are recommended.
No.2-D is a distillate fuel of lower volatility for engines in industrial and heavy mobile service. (SAE J313
Since KUBOTA diesel engines of less than 56 kW (75 hp) utilize EPA Tier 4 and Interim Tier 4 standards,
the use of low sulfur fuel or ultra low sulfur fuel is mandatory for these engines, when operated in US EPA
regulated areas. Therefore, please use No.2-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.2-D, and use
No.1-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.1-D for ambient temperatures below 10 °C (14 °F).
1) SAE : Society of Automotive Engineers
2) EN : European Norm
3) ASTM : American Society of Testing and Materials
4) US EPA : United States Environmental Protection Agency
5) No.1-D or No.2-D, S500 : Low Sulfur Diesel (LSD) less than 500 ppm or 0.05 wt.%
No.1-D or No.2-D, S15 : Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) 15 ppm or 0.0015 wt.%
Fuel Type
Engine oil classification (API classification)
Engines with non-EGR
Engines with internal EGR
Engines with external EGR
High Sulfur Fuel
[0.05 % (500 ppm)
Sulfur Content <
0.50 % (5000 ppm)]
(If the "CF-4, CG-4, CH-4, or CI-4" engine
oil is used with a high-sulfur fuel, change
the engine oil at shorter intervals.
(approximately half))
Low Sulfur Fuel
[Sulfur Content <
0.05 % (500 ppm)] or
Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel
[Sulfur Content <
0.0015 % (15 ppm)]
CF, CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4
CF or CI-4
(Class CF-4, CG-4 and CH-4 engine oils
cannot be used on EGR type engines.)
KiSC issued 03, 2011 A