Using Controllers
Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
MultiEffectGlobalArpeggiatorDrum Kit
External control
Other functions
Note Number
Sounds can be programmed to change in character
based on the note being played. As you play
higher or lower on the keyboard, the note number
can modulate the timbre–such as becoming
brighter as you play higher. Envelopes may also
become faster or slower; the volume may change;
and so on.
[PITCH] wheel, [MOD] wheel
You can use the [PITCH] wheel and [MOD] wheel
located at the upper left of the keyboard to vary
the pitch or adjust the depth of modulation.The
actual result will depend on the program, but
these controllers are normally used to apply the
following effects.
• [PITCH] wheel movement can adjust the
amount of pitch bend
PROG 2: Ed–Pitch, OSC1 (☞p.52, PG p.10)
• [PITCH] wheel movement can vary the cutoff
PROG 4: Ed–Filter1/2, Mod.2 (☞PG p.16)
• [MOD] wheel can adjust the depth of vibrato
PROG 2: Ed–Pitch, OSC 1/2 LFO (☞p.52, PG
• [MOD] wheel can adjust the depth of the wah
PROG 4: Ed–Filter1/2, LFO Mod. (☞PG p.18)
• [MOD] wheel can adjust the speed of the LFO
PROG 3: Ed–LFOs, OSC 1/2 LFO 1/2 (☞PG
Note: By assigning the Pitch Bend Lock function to
the [SW1] or [SW2], you can lock the applied effect
so that it will be maintained even after the
[PITCH] wheel returns to the center. (☞PG p.172)
SW1, SW2
By assigning the appropriate functions to the
[SW1] and [SW2] you can use them to transpose
the keyboard in one-octave steps, turn the porta-
mento function on/off, or lock the effect of the
[PITCH] wheel.
Each button can work as either a Toggle or
Momentary switch. In Toggle mode, the assigned
function is switched between on and off each time
the button is pressed. In Momentary mode, the
assigned function is active on only as long as you
hold down the button.
In Program mode you can view the function of the
[SW1] and [SW2] in the 0: Play, Program page; in
Combination mode in the 0: Play, Combination
page; and in Multi mode in the 0: Play, Multi page.
•To switch octaves
PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls (☞PG p.25)
•To turn the portamento function on/off
PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls (☞PG p.25)
•To lock the function of the [PITCH] wheel
PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls, Controls (☞PG p.25)
•To vary the width of pitch EG level changeA
PROG 2: Ed–Pitch (☞PG p.10)
For more details, see “Setting the functions of
[SW1] and [SW2]” (☞p.113).
Note: When you write a Program, Combination or
Multi set, the on/off status of the [SW1] and [SW2]
is saved.
REALTIME CONTROLS [1], [2], [3], [4],
Use the [SELECT] button to select realtime con-
troller mode A/B/C, and use knobs [1]–[4] to con-
trol the tone, effects, MIDI control changes, and
arpeggiator etc. while you perform.
Specifically, you can use these controllers to edit
the filter cutoff frequency, resonance, amp and fil-
ter EQ, volume, portamento time, pan, pitch LFO,
and master effect send level, etc. You can also use
them to modify the arpeggiator tempo, gate,
velocity, and length. For more details, see p.43 and
button to switch the function of the realtime
controllers to A-mode, B-mode, or C-mode.
2. Rotate the desired knob to control the sound,
The REALTIME CONTROLS [1], [2], [3], and [4]
knob B-mode functions can be viewed for Program
mode in the 0: Play, Program page; for Combina-
Raise the pitch
Lower the pitch
Deepen the