23: Ring Modulator
23: Ring Modulator
This effect creates a metallic sound by routing the input signal to an Oscillator. You will obtain a very rad-
ical modulation by modulating or operating the Oscillator using an LFO or dynamic modulation. Since
the Oscillator frequency can match the note number, you can create a ring modulation effect that follows
the scale.
a Pre LPF 0…100
Sets the damping amount of the sound input to the Ring
Modulator in the high range.
b OSC Mode Fixed, Note (Key Follow)
Determines whether the Oscillator frequency is specified
or the note number is followed.
Fixed Frequency [Hz] 0…12.00kHz Oscillator frequency when OSC Mode = Fixed
Src None…Tempo
Modulation Source of the Oscillator frequency when OSC
Mode = Fixed
Amt –12.00…+12.00kHz
Modulation Amount of the Oscillator frequency when OSC
Mode = Fixed
Note Offset –48…+48
Pitch difference from the note number when OSC Mode =
Note (Key Follow)
Src (fixed) Note No.
Note number information source (Fixed to Note #)
e Note Fine –100…+100 Fine adjustment of the Oscillator frequency
LFO Frequency [Hz] 0.02…20.00Hz Speed of LFO that modulates the Oscillator frequency
Src None…Tempo Modulation source of LFO speed
Amt –20.00…+20.00Hz Modulation amount of LFO speed
Depth 0…100
Depth of LFO modulation applied to the Oscillator fre-
Src None…Tempo Modulation source of modulation depth
Amt –100…+100 Modulation amount of modulation depth
Wet/Dry Dry, 1:99…99:1, Wet Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds.
Src None…Tempo Modulation source of effect balance
Amt –100…+100 Modulation amount of effect balance
a: Pre LPF This parameter sets the damping amount of the sound input to the Ring Modu-
lator. If the input signal contains a lot of harmonics, the effect sound tends to be
dirty. In this case, cut a certain amount of the high range.
b: OSC Mode This parameter determines whether the Oscillator frequency follows the note
Wet / Dry
Mono In - Mono Out
Note No.
OSC Mode
Note (Key Follow)
Fixed Frequency
Note Offset, Fine
Sine Oscillator
Ring Modulator