1–1c: Assign/Hold
Here, you can specify how notes will sound when keys are pressed.
Voice Assign [Mono (Multi), Mono (Single), Poly]
Selects whether the sound will be played monophonically or polyphonically.
Mono (Multi): Multi-triggered monophonic playing.
Mono (Single): Single-triggered monophonic playing
Poly: Polyphonic playing
When Poly is selected, the Retrigger Control and Threshold parameters will be unavailable.
Priority [Last, Low, High]
Specifies the priority order that will be used when the number of keys pressed exceeds the maximum polyphony.
Last: The last-pressed note will take priority
Low: The lowest note will take priority
High: The highest note will take priority
When this is checked, the note will continue to sound after the key is released. However, if the EG selected by
“4-1: Amp” (normally the Amp EG is used) has a sustain level of zero, the note will decay naturally.
Retrigger Control [OFF…MIDI (CC#83)]
“Retrigger” refers to the action of resetting the EG and LFO at the time of note-on (the EG will return to its start
level, and the LFO will return to the beginning of the cycle of its waveform). Here you can select the controller
(Retrigger Controller
page 64 of this manual) which will specify whether or not the sound will be retriggered
when a note-on occurs.
Threshold (Retrigger Control Threshold) [1…127]
Specifies the value at which EG and LFO will be retriggered by a note-on.
The state of the controller selected by Retrigger Control (i.e., whether the controller value is above or below the
specified Threshold value) will determine whether or not the sound will be retriggered when a note-on occurs.
The operation of this function will differ depending on the Voice Assign setting.
With a setting of Mono (Multi), retriggering will occur if the controller is below the threshold value. If Retrigger
Control is OFF, retriggering will always occur.
With a setting of Mono (Single), retriggering will occur if the controller is above the threshold value. If Retrigger
Control is OFF, retriggering will not occur.
If a note-on occurs when all notes are off, retriggering will always occur.
LFO’s whose Key Sync is turned OFF will not be reset even if retriggering occurs.
1–1d: Unison
Here, you can make settings for unison mode.
Unison [OFF, 2voices, 3voices, 6voices]
Specifies the number of notes which will be sounded in unison. With a setting of OFF, unison will not be used.
The maximum polyphony will be three notes with a setting of 2voices, two notes for a setting of 3voices, and
one note for a setting of 6voices.
Mode [Fixed, Dynamic]
Specifies how the number of voices specified by the Unison setting will be allocated.
With a setting of Fixed, the number of voices specified by the Unison setting will always sound. With a setting
of Dynamic, the number of voices will be determined by the current note-playing situation.
Detune [0…99]
Detunes the notes that are sounded simultaneously by the Unison function.
1-1: Prog Basic