Very Cool TRITON Programs!
Category Program Controllers: Category Program Controllers:
Keyboard A001 Acoustic Piano R K3 ARP Bass A006 Nasty Bass R VEL JS-Y
B001 Attack Piano JS+Y K2-3
A022 Acoustic Bass R K1-4 ARP
B017 Dyno Tine EP JS+Y K2 R
A038 30303 Mega Bass ARP R K1-4
B104 L/R Piano(Knob1) K1 K4
A054 SuperSwitch Bass VEL R K2/ARP
Organ A007 BX3 Velo Switch VEL JS+Y K1 SlowSynth A008 Rez. Down R SW1 JS-Y
A023 M1 Organ R JS+Y SW1/K1
A088 Antartic Wind SW1 SL K3/ARP
A087 Perc Short Delay R JS+Y ARP
A104 Money Pad R JS-Y K1-4
Bell / Mallet A015 Monkey Skulls K1-3 JS-Y ARP
D014 Cinema Pad SL SW1 R
A063 Moving Bellz JS-Y R SL FastSynth A000 Noisy Stabber GK/VK R K1-4
B063 Magical Bells SL R
A080 Cosmic Furnace SL R K3
Strings A003 Legato Strings JS-Y K1 R
B080 Mega Big Synth R VEL K1-4
A083 Few Bows Here VEL K1-2
C000 Techno Phonic ARP R GK/VK
A115 WatcherOfTheSky K3 JS-Y
LeadSynth A124 Espress lead R K-1-4
B019 String Quartet R K1-4 ARP
B028 Glide Lead JS-Y R K1
B067 Solo Violin R-TAP K3 ARP
C076 Sync Kronicity JS-Y SW1 R
C115 Analog Velvet SW1 R K3 MotionSynth A014 Swirling Dreams SW1 SL ARP
Vocal / Airy A011 Fresh Breath JS-Y SW1 K1-4
B046 Dolphin Ride SW1 ARP
B027 Vocalesque SW1 K3-4 SL
B082 Space Pod for 2 VEL K1-4 T
B091 Take Voices VEL K1 R/ARP
C078 Water is Deep K3 HOLD ARP
D027 OohSlow VoicesST R K3
SE A010 Techno Vox Box JS-Y SW1 K1-2
Brass A009 Fat Brass K1-2 R
B072 DJ Touch JS-ALL SW1 K3
B121 Classic Fanfare VEL R K3-4
B106 MotionSoundTrack R JS-Y ARP
C121 Movie Brass R K2 K3-4 Hit /Arp A034 Arp Angeles K2 SW1 K3/VK
Woodwind A013 Sax Ensemble R K3-4
A050 Arp Twins R JS-ALL K1-4
B013 Old Shakuhachi VEL AT K3
B044 Auto Pilot GK K1-2 R
C045 Breathy AltoSax K3 R
Drums A004 Tricky Kit! ARP SW1 VEL
Guit/Plucked A005 Acoustic Guitar JS-Y SW1 K3
B004 Jazz/Brush Kits R ARP K1-2
A101 Nylon Guitar SW1 R ARP
C020 Nasty TRicky Kit ARP R K2-3
B005 FingertipsGuitar JS-Y ARP K3
B069 Strato-Chime K1-4 R
B083 Indian Stars SL K2 SW1
B085 Feedback D. Gtr JS-Y R ARP
Controller Abbreviations: Ribbon- R AudioIn- AUD Note: As you work with these sounds, choose one or two
Jstick- JS Arpeg- ARP of your favorites from each category, then begin preparing your
Switch- SW GateKb- GK demo with the "best-of" sounds. The controllers suggested for
Knob- K VeloKb- VK each sound are o
nly a few of the available AMS and Dynamic
Slider- SL Atouch- AT Modulation sources that have been assigned to each sound.
Tempo- T (LFO) Veloc- VEL Note: ARP = Turn Arpeggiator ON