Parameters transmitted and received via NRPN
Front panel knobs and keys other than the controls listed above are assigned NRPN (Non Registered Parameter No.). NRPN
messages can be used freely by any musical instrument manufacturer or model.
NRPN editing is performed using the following procedure.
1 Use NRPN MSB (CC#99) [Bn, 63, mm] and NRPN LSB (CC#98) [Bn, 62, rr] (n: channel, mm, rr: parameter no. upper
and lower bytes) to select the parameter.
2 Use data entry MSB (CC#6) [Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value) to specify the value.
On the MS2000/MS2000R, only data entry MSB is used.
Controlling the arpeggiator
When arpeggiator settings are modified by the front panel keys or knobs, the following NRPN messages are transmitted.
When these NRPN messages are received, the corresponding arpeggiator settings will change accordingly. These messages
are transmitted and received on the global MIDI channel. For the correspondence between the values of the message and the
values of the MS2000/MS2000R parameter, refer to the table.
• ON/OFF: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 02, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
• RANGE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 03, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
• LATCH: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 04, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
• TYPE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 07, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
• GATE: [Bn, 63, 00, Bn, 62, 0A, Bn, 06, mm] (n: channel, mm: parameter value)
GATE values
MSB (Hex) LSB (Hex)
Value (transmitted) Value (received)
ON/OFF 00 02 0: OFF, 127: ON 0...63: OFF, 64...127: ON
RANGE 00 03 0: 1 Octave, 1: 2 Octave, 2: 3 Octave, 3: 4 Octave 0: 1 Octave, 1: 2 Octave, 2: 3 Octave, 3...127: 4 Octave
LATCH 00 04 0: OFF, 127: ON 0...63: OFF, 64...127: ON
TYPE 00 07 0: Up, 26: Down, 51: Alt1, 71: Alt2, 102: Random, 127: Trigger
0...21: Up, 22...42: Down, 43...63: Alt1, 64...85: Alt2, 86...106: Random, 107...127: Trigger
GATE 00 0A Refer to separate table (GATE values) Refer to separate table (GATE values)
0, 1 000
2 001
3 002
4, 5 003
6 004
7 005
8 006
9, 10 007
11 008
12 009
13 010
14, 15 011
16 012
17 013
18, 19 014
20 015
21 016
22 017
23, 24 018
25 019
26 020
Value (transmitted, received)
Gate Time [%]
Value (transmitted, received)
Gate Time [%]
27 021
28, 29 022
30 023
31 024
32 025
33, 34 026
35 027
36 028
37, 38 029
39 030
40 031
41 032
42, 43 033
44 034
45 035
46 036
47, 48 037
49 038
50 039
51 040
52, 53 041
54 042
55 043
56, 57 044
58 045
59 046
60 047
61, 62 048
63 049
64 050
65 051
66, 67 052
68 053
69 054
70 055
71, 72 056
73 057
74 058
75, 76 059
77 060
78 061
79 062
Value (transmitted, received)
Gate Time [%]
Value (transmitted, received)
Gate Time [%]
Value (transmitted, received)
Gate Time [%]
80, 81 063
82 064
83 065
84 066
85, 86 067
87 068
88 069
89 070
90, 91 071
92 072
93 073
94, 95 074
96 075
97 076
98 077
99, 100 078
101 079
102 080
103 081
104, 105 082
106 083
107 084
108 085
109, 110 086
111 087
112 088
113, 114 089
115 090
116 091
117 092
118, 119 093
120 094
121 095
122 096
123, 124 097
125 098
126 099
127 100