Connecting a computer
Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
MultiEffectGlobalArpeggiatorDrum Kit
External control
Other functions
echoed-back notes to operate the arpeggiator
while monitoring your recording or during play-
Note: If you want the note data produced by the
arpeggiator to be recorded on the external
sequencer/computer, set Local Control on, and
turn off the Echo Back setting of the external
The default setting for Local Control is On. To turn
off Local Control, the “Local Control On” (GLO-
BAL 1: MIDI page) check box to uncheck it (☞PG
When using the microX by itself, leave Local Con-
trol turned on. (If this is off when microX is used
by itself, playing the keyboard will not produce
Note: The microX’s Local Control setting can be
turned Off by the Local Control Off message sent
from the editor when you start up microX Plug-In
MIDI Filter “Exclusive” setting
If you want the microX to transmit and receive
system exclusive data, you must check the GLO-
BAL 1: MIDI page MIDI Filter “Exclusive” check
box. Check this box if the microX is connected to
your computer and you want to edit the microX
from your computer (or bi-directionally). You
must also check this box if you’re using the
microX Editor/Plug-In Editor. By default, the
MIDI Filter “Exclusive” setting is checked.
The “Convert Position” setting
On the microX, the parameters “Key Transpose”
and “Velocity Curve” (GLOBAL 0: System, Basic
page) allow you to transpose the pitch, adjust the
velocity sensitivity.
The “Convert Position” setting (GLOBAL 1: MIDI
page) specifies the point at which these settings
affect the data from the keyboard and the data
sent or received via MIDI IN/USB or MIDI OUT/
• When controlling an external MIDI tone gener-
ator from the microX, select Pre MIDI. The
above-listed settings will affect the MIDI data
that is transmitted.
Incoming MIDI data will be handled with
settings equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0 and
“Velocity Curve” 4.
• When controlling the microX’s tone generator
from an external MIDI device, select PostMIDI.
The above-listed settings will affect the MIDI
data that is received.
Outgoing MIDI data will be handled with
settings equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0 and
“Velocity Curve” 4.
The default settings are “Key Transpose” +00,
“Velocity Curve” 4 (Normal), and “Convert Posi-
tion” PreMIDI.
“Multi Mode” setting
You will normally use Multi mode when you’re
using the microX as a multi-timbral sound module
to simultaneously play multiple tracks from an
external MIDI sequencer. However, you can also
use Multi mode when you want to use the microX
as a master keyboard to control an external MIDI
sound module. (Normally you will use Combina-
tion mode if you’re using the microX as a master
Depending on which of these two situations
describes your needs, you can set the “Multi
Mode” setting in the GLOBAL 0: System, Prefer-
ence page so that the microX will operate opti-
mally for your situation.
for Ext-Seq is the setting you should choose when
using the microX as a multi-timbral sound mod-
ule. When you switch multi sets on the microX,
tracks whose “Status” is EXT or BTH will not
transmit MIDI messages such as program
changes. This will avoid the undesired situation of
the echo back from your external MIDI sequencer
switching microX tracks of the identical channel to
the same program, pan, and volume settings etc.
for Master is the setting you should choose when
using the microX as a master keyboard. In this
case when you switch multi sets on the microX,
tracks whose “Status” is EXT or BTH will transmit
program changes and other MIDI messages to set
up your external MIDI sound module.
Making settings in Global mode
Here’s how to set parameters in Global mode.
1. Press the [GLOBAL] button (the button will
light) to enter Global mode.
2. Press the [MENU/OK] button to access the
page menu.
This connection
is broken when
you turn Local
Control off.
Sequencer or
(Echo Back on)
Sound gener-
ator section