The K-Series editor software (included on the CD-ROM) is used to assign the control-
ler settings and certain parameter values.
MIDI messages are sent using MIDI channel.
Note messages are sent from the keyboard.
Three velocity curves (and a constant 127 velocity) allow the keyboard response to be
tailored to the performer’s playing style.
The keyboard may be transposed by semitones into any musical key.
MIDI control changes can be assigned individually to the “X” direction (left/right) and
the “Y” direction (up/down) to simultaneously control two parameters. In addition, the
ClickPoint can be used as a computer mouse.
The assignable values are “No Assign/Control Change/Mouse”.
No Assign
No MIDI information is sent from this controller.
Control Change [0...127]
Moving the ClickPoint controller will change the value of the parameters assigned to
the X and Y axis
The ClickPoint controller will return to the center position when it’s released. To lock the
X and Y parameters at their current values, press down (Z axis) on the center switch of
the ClickPoint. Press it again to unlock the X and Y values.
Mouse Mode
When set to “Mouse” mode, the ClickPoint can be operates as a mouse and will control
the cursor on computer screen. The ClickPoint switch functions as the mouse.
The Mouse Mode is only operative when the connected to a computer via USB.
By assigning MIDI control changes, these knobs can be used to operate external MIDI
equipment and control musical software applications. Each knob can be assigned indi-
The assignable values are “No Assign/Control Change”.
No Assign
No MIDI information is sent from this controller.
Control Change [0...127]
Tur ning the knob will change the value of the assigned parameter.