ESX1 EasyStart
Getting Started – Basic Overview of Knobs, Switches and Panel Layout / Preload
The ESX-1 is very simple to use, once you understand the basic layout. To access the different modes of the ESX-1
(PATTERN, SONG, GLOBAL, etc.) you press any of the mode keys right above the transport section ( /).
To access any pages within that mode, use the (up/down) keys to the left of the mode keys, and then use the value dial
to change values in the LCD screen. To play or hear a part, press the corresponding part key (i.e. DRUM PART, KEYBOARD
PART, STRETCH PART). DRUM, STRETCH and SLICE parts will play once you press the key, KEYBOARD parts will only
play by pressing any of the 16 step keys, which also double as keys on a keyboard. To change the octave range of the step
keys/keyboard press the keys just above the step keys. Once a part is selected (key is lit) you can adjust the settings in
the PART COMMON, MODULATION and FILTER sections by turning any knobs in that section. Some keys in each section
work in a cyclical nature, others work in a simple toggle on/off mode.
Additional pages and functions in each mode are available by pressing and holding the SHIFT key and then pressing one of
the desired 16 STEP keys to access the function (i.e. CLEAR PATTERN, SHIFT NOTE).
About the ESX-1 Factory Data/Factory Preload
before deleting any samples, patterns or song data from the unit (or initializing it), make sure to backup the factory data to a
SmartMedia card! A 32MB card is required, as the factory data including samples requires 18MB.
Also note that the original factory data is posted on korg.com for download.
Selecting and Playing Demo Songs
1. Connect the AC power supply to the ESX-1 and connect the L/MONO and R outputs to a powered monitor system or
connect headphones to the Headphones jack of the ESX-1. Make sure that the MASTER VOLUME and TUBE GAIN
knobs are turned all the way to the left.
2. Press the SONG key and then press the / (play/pause) key to begin playback and adjust the level of the MASTER
VOLUME knob so that it is at a comfortable volume. To stop playback, press the STOP () key.
3. To select a different song, turn the Value dial to the right of the screen.
Selecting and Playing Patterns
1. Press the PATTERN key and then press the PLAY/PAUSE (/) key to begin playback.
2. Use the Value dial to select different patterns. To stop playback, press the STOP () key.
Pattern Mode - Muting and Soloing Parts
1. To mute a part, press and hold the PART MUTE key and then press the part key that you would like to mute.
2. To solo a part, press and hold the SOLO key and then press the part key that you would like to solo. To undo a soloed or
muted part key, either repeat the same process or just tap the SOLO key.
3. You can also quickly mute all parts or solo all parts of a specific type (i.e. all DRUM PARTs) by pressing and holding the
SHIFT key (just above the 16 step keys) and then repeating step 1 or 2.