EG TIME ...................................................................... 0...127
Specifies the EG decay time. The Amp EG setting determines how
the volume will decay.
This parameter is valid when the AMP EG is “ ” and when the
filter EG INT is other than 0.
GLIDE .......................................................................... 0...127
“Glide” (also called “portamento”) is a function that produces a
smooth change in pitch from one note to the next (without re-trig-
gering the note) when the gate time length overlaps the timing of
the next note.
For higher settings of this value, the time required to arrive at the
next pitch will be longer. If this is set to 0, the target pitch will be
reached immediately, but without retriggering; this is useful for simu-
lating legato performance technique on a bass.
This parameter is valid only for the keyboard parts.
The time from when the next note is played until that pitch is reached
will synchronize to the tempo of the pattern.
The Glide effect is disabled while the ROLL key is on (lit).
START POINT ............................................................... 0...127
Specifies the point from which the sample assigned to each part will
play back. If you turn the knob all the way to the left, the sample
will play back from the beginning (i.e., normal playback). If you turn
the knob all the way to the right, the sample will play back from the
PAN .......................................................................... L63..R63
Specifies the stereo position (pan) of the sound. If the knob is in the
center position, the sound will be located in the middle. Turning the
knob toward the left moves the sound toward the L side; turning it
toward the right moves the sound toward the R side.
LEVEL .......................................................................... 0...127
Adjusts the output level. Turn the knob toward the right to make
the sound louder.
AMP EG ......................................................................... ,
Switches the type of amp EG. Each press of this key switches be-
tween an envelope “ ” that will decay over the time specified by
EG TIME, and a “ ” type envelope that will turn the sound off af-
ter the time specified by EG TIME.
ROLL ......................................................................................
Switches “roll” (repeated strikes) on (lit) or off (dark) for each part.
The roll spacing depends on the tempo of the pattern, the Roll Type,
and the Swing value. (☞p.38 “Specifying the Roll Type”)
When Roll is on, holding down a part key will play a roll as long as
you continue holding the key.
When Roll is on, holding down a step key (when the Keyboard func-
tion is on) will play that key as a roll as long as you continue hold-
ing the key.
FX SELECT ......................................................... FX1, FX2, FX3
Selects the effect to apply. Press the key repeatedly to cycle through
the three available effects.
If FX SEND (effect send) is on, the selected effect will be applied.
This setting is ignored for parts assigned to output bus 3/4.
FX SEND .....................................................................On, Off
Selects whether the effect will be used. This will alternate on (lit)
and off (dark) each time you press the key. The effect you selected
for FX SELECT is the one that will be applied. This setting is ig-
nored for parts assigned to output bus 3/4.
(☞p.38 “Assigning parts”)
Note on
Note off
Note on Note off