5. Song mode
Using the tap tempo key to set the tempo
While a song is playing, press the tap key twice or more at the de-
sired tempo. The interval at which you press the key will be de-
tected, and converted into the tempo. You can use this method to set
the tempo even when the EMX-1 is paused or stopped.
Locking the tempo of a song
Turn the TEMPO LOCK key on if you want to play back the song at
the tempo specified by the song.
If the TEMPO LOCK key is off, the tempo will switch to the value
specified by the pattern each time the position changes during song
playback. However even if the position changes, the tempo will be
maintained if the pattern is the same.
If you use the dial or tap tempo to change the tempo, the tempo
setting saved in the song will be changed. If you have changed the
tempo and then switch to a different song without writing (saving)
the song whose tempo you changed, it will r evert to its original tempo.
If you want to keep the new tempo setting, you must W rite the song.
If you use Event Recording to record tempo events, the tempo data will
also be updated by those events.(☞p.72 “Event recording”)
You can use the dial or tap key to set the tempo regardless of the
Tempo Lock key on/of f setting.
You can save the on/off state of the Tempo Lock key independently
for each song. If you want to save the tempo you modified, perform
the Write operation. (☞p.73 “Saving a song”)
If you set the MIDI mode “Clock” setting to “EXT ,” the tempo setting
of the song and the tempo events in it will be ignor ed.
(☞p.73 “Saving a song”)