6.Global mode
6.Global mode
Setting the MIDI channel of
each part (MIDI ch)
MIDI ch 1...16
You can set the MIDI channel of synth part 1, synth part 2, and
the drum part. The same MIDI channel will be used for trans-
mission and reception. The factory settings are listed below.
Part Channel
Synth part 1 (global) 1
Synth part 2 2
Drum part (1—6B) 10
1. Use the cursor keys to select MIDI ch (the corresponding
LED will light).
2. Press the part key for which you wish to change the MIDI
channel (the key will light). For the drum part, press any
one of the eight part keys (all of the drum part keys will
3. Turn the dial to select the channel.
Program changes and exclusive data will be transmit-
ted and received on the MIDI channel you specify here
for synth part 1 (i.e., this will be the global MIDI chan-
Setting the MIDI note number
of a drum part
Drums Note No. C-1...G9
For each drum part, you can specify the MIDI note number as
a note name.
If you specify the same note number for two or more parts,
the sounds of those parts will be played simultaneously when
that note is received from an external MIDI device.
1. Use the cursor keys to select Drums Note No (the corre-
sponding LED will light).
2. Press the part key whose note number you wish to change
(the key will light).
3. Rotate the dial to select the note number.
The factory settings are as follows.
The correspondence between note names and note
numbers will differ by manufacturer. Please refer to the
owner’s manual for the device you have connected.
MIDI filter settings
Here you can select the types of MIDI message that will be
transmitted and received.
For each character "PCE" in the display, select "O" if you want
that type of message to be transmitted and received, or select
"-" if you do not want that type of message to be transmitted
or received.
1. Use the cursor keys to select MIDI Filter (the correspond-
ing LED will light).
2. Rotate the dial to select the combination of message types
that will be transmitted and received; "O" allows transmis-
sion and reception, and "-" disables it.
P: Transmission/reception of Program Change, Bank Se-
lect, and Song Select messages.
C: Transmission/reception of Control Change messages.
E: Transmit/receive exclusive data. However while you are
operating the Dump settings, this data will be transmit-
ted and received regardless of the setting here.
Adjusting the pitch bend
Bend Range –12...12
You can adjust the range of the pitch bend that will occur when
MIDI Pitch Bend messages are received.
1. Hold down the Shift key and press step key 14 (Bend Range)
(key 14 will blink).
2. Turn the dial to select the pitch range. +/-1 is a semitone, +/
-2 is a whole step, +/-7 is a fifth, and +/-12 is an octave.
3. Press step key 14 once again to finalize the pitch range (key
14 will go dark).
To cancel without making the setting, press the Stop/Cancel
For some sounds, the pitch may not rise all the way to
the specified range.