Pedal 1 Sw Polarity (Pedal 1 Switch Polarity) [–, +]
Pedal 2 Sw Polarity (Pedal 2 Switch Polarity) [–, +]
Set these parameters to match the polarity of the pedal
switches connected to the rear panel ASSIGNABLE
PEDAL/SW 1, 2 jacks. If the polarity setting does not
match, the pedal switch will not function correctly.
Since the polarity of the separately sold PS-1 pedal
switch is – ( ↓ ), set this parameter to “–” if you are
using this pedal.
Prg. Chng (Program Change) [All Params, Int. Params]
Specify whether the front panel settings of the ROTARY
section, and [SPLIT] key will change to match the newly-
selected program when you switch programs.
All Params (All Parameters): When you switch pro-
grams, the state of the front panel keys will change to the
settings of the selected program.
Int. Params (Internal Parameters): The state of the front
panel keys will not change even if you switch programs.
Group 2
MIDI Global Ch (MIDI Global Channel) [1...16]
Specify the global MIDI channel that will be used to
transmit and receive MIDI messages. (The factory
setting is 1.)
MIDI Upper Rx Ch (MIDI Receive Channel Upper) [1...16]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to receive
MIDI note messages for the Upper tone generator.
(The factory setting is 1.)
MIDI Upper Tx Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel Upper)
[1...16, Off]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to transmit
MIDI note messages (fixed velocity) for the Upper
tone generator. (The factory setting is 1.)
The velocity value can be set by “MIDI Fixed Velcty.”
MIDI Upper 2nd Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel Upper 2nd
Note event) [1...16, Off]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to transmit
MIDI note messages (variable velocity) for the Upper
tone generator. (The factory setting is Off.)
Off: No channel will be specified. Be sure to turn this
Off unless you are using a MIDI tone generator that
requires variable velocity (such as a piano tone
If you specify a MIDI channel for this parameter and
connect an external MIDI tone generator, there will
be a time difference between the notes sounded on
the CX-3 and on the external tone generator if you
play notes slowly on the CX-3.
MIDI Lower Rx Ch (MIDI Receive Channel Lower) [1...16]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to receive
MIDI note messages for the Lower tone generator.
(The factory setting is 2.)
MIDI Lower Tx Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel Lower)
[1...16, Off]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to transmit
MIDI note messages (fixed velocity) for the Lower
tone generator. (The factory setting is 2.)
The velocity value can be set by “MIDI Fixed Velcty.”
MIDI Lower 2nd Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel Lower 2nd
Note event) [1...16, Off]
Specify the MIDI channel that will be used to transmit
MIDI note messages (variable velocity) for the Lower
tone generator. (The factory setting is Off.)
Off: No channel will be specified. Be sure to turn this
Off unless you are using a MIDI tone generator that
requires variable velocity (such as a piano tone
If you specify a MIDI channel for this parameter and
connect an external MIDI tone generator, there will
be a time difference between the notes sounded on
the CX-3 and on the external tone generator if you
play notes slowly on the CX-3.
Group 3
MIDI Fixed Velcty (MIDI Fixed Velocity for 1st Note
event) [0...127]
Specify the velocity value for MIDI note messages.
(The factory setting is 80.)
MIDI P. Bend Range (MIDI Pitch Bend Range) [–7...+7]
Specify the range in semitones over which the pitch will
change when MIDI pitch bend messages are received.
Group 4
MIDI Rx Prg Chng (MIDI Program Change Receive) [Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable): MIDI program changes received on the
global MIDI channel will be ignored.
Ena (Enable): MIDI program changes received on the
global MIDI channel will be effective. (The factory
setting is ENA.)
MIDI Rx Sys Exc (MIDI System Exclusive Receive)
[Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable): Incoming system exclusive data will be
ignored. (The factory setting is DIS.)
Ena (Enable): Incoming system exclusive data will be
MIDI Rx C. Change (MIDI Control Change Receive)
[Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable): Incoming MIDI control changes will be
Ena (Enable): Incoming MIDI control changes will be
effective. (The factory setting is ENA.)
MIDI Tx C. Change (MIDI Control Change Transmit)
[Dis, Ena]
Dis (Disable): MIDI control changes will not be
Ena (Enable): MIDI control changes will be transmit-
ted. (The factory setting is ENA.)
MIDI Local [Off, On]
Switch local control on/off. (The factory setting is On.)
Off: The control section (keyboard, knobs, keys,
connected pedal switches etc.) will be disconnected
from the tone generator section. Use this setting when
you wish to use the controllers of the CX-3 to play
another tone generator without using the CX-3’s own
tone generator.