Global settings > Master tuning
Master tuning
In order to adapt the C-520 pitch to that of another instru-
ment, you can adjust the pitch. Standard tuning is A4 = 440
Note: If you enter editing later, you might see a different edit
page instead of the first one. Use the SCROLL
button to
reach it.
1. After having kept the EDIT button pressed, the Master
Tune page will appear:
2. Use the +/YES and -/NO button to select a different tun-
3. Press the EXIT button to return to the Main or Song Play
page and save the changes (see “Exit from the Global edit
mode” on page 50), or the SCROLL
button to go to the
next edit page (see below).
Brilliance is the sound’s brightness. You can set an overall in-
crease or decrease of brilliance.
This is the same parameter you can change with the BRIL-
LIANCE button (see page 19). However, contrary to the but-
ton, these changes can be memorized, and are preserved even
when turning the instrument off.
Note: Brilliance changes can be recorded into a song. If you lat-
er change them again, values recorded in the song are left un-
1. After having kept the EDIT button pressed, use the
button to show the Brilliance page. As an al-
ternative, press the BRILLIANCE button to immediately
access the Brilliance page:
After having chosen a brilliance value different than Nor-
mal, the BRILLIANCE indicator will turn on.
2. Use the +/YES and -/NO button to change the brilliance.
The following table lists the available settings.
3. Press the EXIT button to return to the Main or Song Play
page and save the changes (see “Exit from the Global edit
mode” on page 50), or the SCROLL
button to go to the
next edit page (see below).
Default split point
You can set a default split point, that will be automatically re-
called each time you press the SPLIT button when playing
Note: The split point may be different from the default split
point, if you change it after turning the instrument on. Also, it
may vary when choosing a performance with two sounds in
Split mode. The last selected split point remains selected, until
you turn the instrument off.
1. After having kept the EDIT button pressed, use the
button to show the Split Point page:
2. Use the +/YES and -/NO button to change the split point.
When you change this value, if you are in Split mode the
current split point is also changed.
3. Press the EXIT button to return to the Main or Song Play
page and save the changes (see “Exit from the Global edit
Master Tune 3
440.0 Hz
Setting Tuning
415 ~ -439.5 Lower tuning. The lowest value corresponds to
about -100 cents (one semitone) from the stan-
dard tuning.
440 Standard tuning
440.5 ~ 465 Higher tuning. The highest value corresponds to
about +100 cents (one semitone) over the stan-
dard tuning.
Brilliance 4
Setting Brilliance
Very Mellow, Mellow The sound becomes darker.
Normal Normal tone.
Bright, Very Bright The sound becomes brighter.