1. Normal Edit mode /
EX Edit mode
In Normal Edit mode or EX Edit mode, you use the
PROGRAM [1]–[8] keys to directly select the first param-
eter in each of the parameter edit Groups 1 - 8.
Group 1: Basic Character
Specifies the output level, tone wheel noise, click level
Group 2: Drawbar
Specifies the drawbar levels and EX drawbar type.
The parameters that are displayed will differ be-
tween Normal Edit mode and EX Edit mode.
Group 3: Percussion
Specifies how the BX-3 will respond to the PERCUS-
SION section controls.
Group 4: Amp
Specifies amp settings.
Group 5: Reverb
Adjusts reverb settings.
Group 6: Rotary effect
Specifies rotary speaker settings.
Group 7: Controller
Specifies settings for the modulation wheel, and
specify the functions of the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL/
SW jacks.
Group 8: Program Name
Edits the program name.
Group 1: Basic Character
Output Level [0...127]
Sets the output level of the program.
Wheel Type [Vintage, Clean]
Selects the type of tone wheel.
Vintage: A tone wheel that includes leakage noise.
Clean: A tone wheel that does not include leakage noise.
DB LevelCurve [Bright, Mellow]
Selects the tone.
The tone will change as the volume balance of the
drawbars is adjusted.
Bright: A bright tone.
Mellow: A mellow tone.
Over Tone Level [0...99]
Specifies the overtone level of the tone wheel.
Leakage Level [0...99]
Specifies the level of the leakage noise.
Noise Level [0...99]
Specifies the amount of noise that will occur regardless of
whether notes are played. This noise will include leakage
noise, and its amount will depend on the level specified
by the “Leakage Level” parameter.
On Click Level [0...99]
Specifies the level of the click noise at key-on.
Off Click Level [0...99]
Specifies the level of the click noise at key-off.
Group 2: Drawbar
UPPER (Upper Drawbar Level) [0...8]
This is displayed in Normal Edit mode.
Specifies the volume of the footage used when you play
the upper keyboard in Normal mode.
To change these settings, press the [DRAWBAR PRESET]
key of the upper DRAWBAR SELECT section in Normal
mode. When you move the Drawbar 1 or 2 bars of the
front panel, the volume of the corresponding footage will
change. If you pull a bar out all the way, its level will be 8.
In Normal mode when the program name is dis-
played, pressing the [DISPLAY] key once will let you
view these settings in the display.