Your total light and display sensing solution.
Mesurement of Luminous Flux - the
Integrating Sphere Adapter ISP 75
The ISP75 integrating sphere adapter is available for measuring
luminous flux and radiant power.
The LED test fixture is used to push the LED into the opening of
the sphere in such a way that the light radiation is captured by
the integrating sphere. The interior of the integrating sphere has a
highly reflective and diffusing white coating for this purpose.
All LED test fixtures from Instrument Systems can be used with the
integrating sphere.
The Mini-Goniophotometer
The Mini-Goniophotometer was developed to characterize the
spatial radiation pattern of LEDs. The high angular resolution of
0.06° means that precise measurements can also be taken of
narrow-angled LEDs. The integrated stepper motor control offers
an angular range of 90° to the mechanical axis of the LED. The
orientation of the LED in the phi axis can be manually adjusted for
four orientations (0°, 45°, 90° and 135°).
The standard measurement geometry corresponds to the
configuration, i.e. the distance between the LED and the
detector is 10 cm with a detector area of 1 cm². The detector diameter
can be limited to 0.6 mm when measuring narrow-angled LEDs.
The Mini-Goniophotometer is controlled by the software
via an USB interface.
A special measurement mode of the SpecWin Light software
features the dialog for setting angular parameters. The radiation
pattern is displayed in either polar or Cartesian (xy) coordinates.
The test data obtained are stored in ASCII-text files and can be
easily imported into MS Excel
ISP75 integrating sphere adapter
Special SpecWin Light Software measurement mode