About Ulead Photo Explorer
Software license
The software described in this document is furnished under a
License Agreement which is included with the product. This
Agreement specifies the permitted and prohibited uses of the
Licenses and trademarks
ICI Library 1991-1992 C-Cube Microsystems.
And the Ulead logo are trademarks of Ulead
other product names and any registered and
trademarks mentioned in this manual are for
purposes only and remain the exclusive property
respective owners.
Technical support
Registered users are entitled to Ulead technical support. Our Web
site has valuable up-to-date information about Photo Explorer,
other Ulead products, and free downloads. Visit our Web site at
www.ulead.com, or send an e-mail at support@ulead.com.tw.
Headquarters: North & South America:
Ulead Systems, Inc. Ulead Systems, Inc.
http://www.ulead.com.tw http://www.ulead.com
E-mail: info@ulead.com.tw E-mail: info@ulead.com
Japan: Asia-Pacific:
Ulead Systems, Inc. Ulead System, Inc.
http://www.ulead.co.jp http://www.asiapac.ulead.com
E-mail: info@ulead.co.jp E-mail: info@asiapac.ulead.com
Europe: China:
Ulead Systems GmbH Ulead Systems, Inc.
http://www.ulead.de http://www.ulead.com.cn
E-mail: info@ulead.de
Ulead Systems, Inc.
Systems, Inc. All
of their
http://www.ulead.co.uk E-mail: info@ulead.com.cn
Photo Explorer
About Ulead Photo Explorer
System requirements
Before installing Photo Explorer, make sure your computer meets
these requirements:
Intel Pentium processors (or 100% compatible processors)
Microsoft Windows 95/98, NT 4.0, 2000 or higher
32 MB RAM (or more)
17.8 MB available hard drive space for program files
True Color or HiColor display adapter and monitor (recommended)
800 X 600 minimum display resolution
Windows compatible pointing device
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
Internet connection (recommended)
16-bit or better sound card and speakers (recommended)
DirectX 6.0 or higher (for video functions only)