
Data-transfer mode
Once a setting has been selected, the cursor returns to the menu options and the new setting is
displayed. To return to the PictBridge screen, press the menu button. Read the following sections
on information on the menu options.
Batch print
Batch print in section 1 selects all still images on the memory card for printing. Two options are
All-frames - to print all images on the card. A screen opens so the number of copies of each image
can be specified. A total number of fifty images can be printed.
Reset - to cancel changes made with the batch print option or with the print selection screen.
Index print
An index print of all still images on the memory card can be made.
The quality and size of the print can be specified with the camera
menu. The number of images per page varies with the printer. The
print-setup confirmation screen is displayed before the print
routine starts.
BBaattcchh pprriinntt
IInnddeexx pprriinntt
Use the left/right keys of the controller to highlight the
appropriate menu tab; the menus change as the tabs are
Pressing the menu button opens and closes the menu. The four-way keys of the controller and the
control dials move the cursor in the menu. Pressing the central button of the controller enters a
setting. The options that can be changed vary with the printer.
Use the up/down key to scroll through the menu options. Highlight the option whose
setting needs to be changed.
With the menu option highlighted, press the right controller key; the settings are
displayed with the current setting highlighted. If “Start” is displayed, press the center of
the controller to continue.
Use the up/down key to highlight the new setting.
Press the central button of the controller to select the highlighted setting.
Activate the menu with the menu button. Tab 1 at the top of the
menu is highlighted.
NNoo.. ooff pprriinnttss:: 55
PPrriinntt ssiizzee:: PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
LLaayyoouutt:: PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
PPrriinntt qquuaalliittyy:: PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
DDaattaa pprriinnt
t:: PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
PPaappeerr ssiizzee PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
LLaayyoouutt PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
PPrriinntt qquuaalliittyy PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
DDaattaa pprriinntt PPrriinntteerr sseettuupp
DDPPOOFF pprriinntt
Index to menu functions
Batch print, 135
Data print, 137
DPOF print, 137
Index print, 135
Layout, 136
Paper size, 136
Print quality, 137