
Embedded Adobe RGB employs the Adobe RGB color space. Adobe RGB has a larger
color gamut than the more common sRGB. The size of the gamut limits the colors that
can be reproduced; the larger the gamut, the more colors. If the image will be printed out
with a high-quality printer, the use of the Adobe RGB color mode is recommended over
the sRGB color modes of Natural Color, Vivid Color, or Portrait.
Adobe RGB embeds an ICC profile in JPEG image data. Color matching must be used
when opening Adobe-RGB image files. When using the DiMAGE Viewer, the color
matching function must be active and the color space set to Original Color Space (Adobe
RGB) in the color preferences window, see color matching in the advanced setup section
in the DiMAGE Viewer manual. DiMAGE Viewer version 2.2 or later is required to open
embedded Adobe RGB images taken with this camera.
Embedded Adobe RGB color mode cannot be used with RAW images.
Camera Notes
The control dial and the
shift button can be used
to set functions instead
of the controller. Press
and hold the shift button
and turn the control dial
to move the cursor
vertically in the selection
screen. Turn the control
dial to move the cursor