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Specifications and network capabilities focused o n open and flexible
imaging environments
Specifications for the DRYPRO MODEL 873
DICOM functionality of DRYPRO 873
The DRYPRO 873 enables network printing from DICOM modalities. By employing a variety of different functions, the network can be expanded to
include storage that transmits images to an image server or viewer, extraction of patient information from image data by the automatic character
recognition function, enlarged printing of the identified patient’s name and ID number in the film margin, and MWM compatibility.
Dry image recording film SD-Q, SD-QC, and SD-QM
does not require a WET process. When storing and
handling film, be sure to observe the following.
1. Storing and handling unused film
After confirming that film is packaged, store unused
film, like ordinary film, in a cool, dark place
(recommended temperature: 10-23ºC (50-73ºF))
where it will not be affected by radiation. If film is
stored in a place where temperature is more than
30ºC (86ºF) for a long period of time, the quality of
the film may change. When storing film in a film
storage, it should be stored in a place where
temperature is not likely to rise.
2. Storing and handling processed film (image)
(1) As heat-processed-type film is susceptible to high
temperature or strong sunlight even after it is
processed, it should be stored in a cool, dark place.
When storing film for a long period of time, be sure
to place it in a film bag and store it in a place where
temperature is 25ºC (77ºF) or below. The rise in
density or discoloration may occur more frequently
as the temperature rises.
(2) If the film is stored at a temperature of 40ºC
(104ºF) or higher, this may cause density changes or
discoloration even over a short period of storage.
Avoid leaving the film in a car in daytime, or using it
with a hot lamp etc.
(3) As the film is susceptible to strong sunlight as well
as temperature,avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, or
leaving it on a viewing screen for a long time.
Dry film should not
be cleaned with
alcohol or cleaning
agents that may
cause density
blotching and other
defects. The film is
resistant to water,
so it may be cleaned
with a soft cloth
dampened with
Imager Network-Building Support
Storing and Handling Dry Film
Options for the DRYPRO MODEL 873
873 additional supply unit
The supply unit for the third additional tray compatible with five sizes (14”x17” (35x43cm), 14”x14” (35x35cm), 11”x14” (28x35cm), 10”x12”(25x30cm), 8”x10”(20x25cm)).
873 sorter (6 bins)
This sorter is useful to sort films. Size: H1459 x W599 x D585 mm (873 body + sorter) – Weight: 163 kg (873 body + sorter) – Number of bins: 6 – One bin can stock up to 30 sheets –
Film size: 5 sizes (14”x17” (35x43cm),14”x14” (35x35cm), 11”x14” (28x35cm), 10”x12” (25x30cm),8”x10” (20x25cm)) – Power: provided by the DRYPRO 873.
Outer sizes