Monitoring Your Heart Rate
Before beginning your workout, check your normal resting
heart rate. Place your fingers lightly against your neck, or
against your wrist over main artery. After finding our pulse,
count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Multiply the num-
ber of beats by six to determine your pulse rate per minute. A
chart is provided for you to log your heart rate at rest; after
warming up, during your workout, and two minute during
your cool down, then 10 minutes after you cool down. We
recommend taking your heart rate at these times to accurately
track your progress as it relates to better fitness.
Your maximum heart rate and aerobic capacity naturally
decreases as you age. In general, to determine your maximum
heart rate, subtract your age from 220. This may vary form
one person from to another, but use this number to find your
approximate effective target zone.
(MHR) = Maximum Heart Rate
(THR) = Target Heart Rate
220 - age = maximum heart rate (MHR). MHR x .70 =
70% of your heart rate.
MHR x .85 = 85% of your maximum heart rate.
For example, if you are 30 years old, your calculations will
be as follows:
220 - 30 = 190
190 x .70 = 133 (low end or 70% of THR)
190 x .85 = 161 (high end or 85% of THR)
See Table below for additional calculations.
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