40 Gal. Water Heater: Align the reducer flue over top of baffle as
shown in Figure 19 (NOTE: reducer flue must be installed on 40
gal. water heater above elevation 5,400 Ft. (1,646 m) from sea
40 & 50 Gal. Water Heaters: Align the legs of the draft hood with
the slots provided. Insert the legs and secure the draft hood to
the water heater's top with the four screws provided as shown
in Figure 19. Do not alter the draft hood in any way. If you are
replacing an existing water heater, be sure to use the draft hood
supplied with this water heater.
Vent Pipe Size
It is important that you follow the guidelines in these instructions
for sizing a vent pipe system. If a transition to a larger vent size
is required, the vent transition connection must be made at the
draft hood outlet.
Vent Connectors
1. Type B, Double wall, U.L. Listed Vent Pipe.
2. Single walt Vent Pipe.
Maintain the manufacturer's specified minimum clearance from
combustible materials when using type B double walt vent pipe.
Vent connectors made of type B, double walt vent pipe material
may pass through walls or partitions constructed of combustible
material if the minimum listed clearance is maintained.
Maintain a six inch minimum clearance from all combustible
materials when using single walt vent pipe.
IMPORTANT: Single wall vent pipe cannot be used for water
heaters located in attics and may not pass through attic spaces,
crawl spaces or any confined or inaccessible location. A single
wall metal vent connector cannot pass through any interior wall.
When installing a vent connector, please note the following (See
Figures 20-22):
• Install the vent connector avoiding unnecessary bends, which
create resistance to the flow of vent gases.
• Install without dips or sags with an upward slope of at least
1/4-inch per foot.
• Joints must be fastened by sheet metal screws or other
approved means. It must be supported to maintain clearances
and prevent separation of joints and damage.
• The length of the vent connector cannot exceed 75% of the
vertical vent height.
• The vent connector must be accessible for cleaning,
inspection, and replacement.
• Vent connectors cannot pass through any ceiling, floor,
firewall, or fire partition.
• It is recommended (but not mandatory) that a minimum 12
inches of vertical vent pipe be installed on the draft hood prior
to any elbow in the vent system.
IMPORTANT: Existing vent systems must be inspected for
obstructions, corrosion, and proper installation.
Chimney Connection
IMPORTANT: Before connecting a vent to a chimney, make sure
the chimney passageway is clear and free of obstructions. The
chimney must be cleaned if previously used for venting solid
fuel appliances or fireplaces. Also consult local and state codes
for proper chimney sizing and application or, in the absence
of local and state codes, the "National Fuel Gas Code", ANSI
Z223.1(NFPA 54)-current edition.
• The connector must be installed above the extreme bottom
of the chimney to prevent potentially blocking the flue gases.
• The connector must be firmly attached and sealed to prevent
it from falling out.
• To aid in removing the connector, a thimble or slip joint may
be used.
• The connector must not extend beyond the inner edge of
the chimney as it may restrict the space between it and the
opposite wall of the chimney (Figure 20).
Support StraE
3 FT.
Above Any Object
Within 10 FT. Horizontally
Do Not Extend
Vent Beyond Edge
Of Chimney
Chimney Termination Vent System
Do not terminate the vent connector in a chimney that has not
been certified for this purpose. Some local codes may prohibit
the termination of vent connectors in a masonry chimney.
Vertical Exhaust Gas Vent
Vertical exhaust gas vents must be installed with U.L. listed type
B vent pipe according to the vent manufacturer's instructions and
the terms of its listing.
It must be connected to the water heater's draft hood by a
listed vent connector or by directly originating at the draft hood
Vertical gas vents must terminate with a listed cap or other roof
assembly and be installed according to their manufacturer's
Gas vents must be supported to prevent damage, joint
separation, and maintain clearances to combustible materials
(Figures 21 and 22).
IMPORTANT: This gas vent must be terminated in a vertical
position to facilitate the removal of the burnt gases.
An unused chimney flue or masonry enclosure may be used as a
passageway for the installation of a gas vent (Figure 22).
Common (combined) venting is allowable with vertical type B vent
systems and lined masonry chimneys as long as proper draft for
the water heater is established under all conditions of operation.
CAUTION: DO NOT common vent this water heater with any
power vented appliance.
Figures 20-22 are examples of vent pipe system installations and
may or may not be typical for your specific application. Consult
the "National Fuel Gas Code", NFPA 54, ANSI Z223.1-current
edition and the guidelines set forth by prevailing local codes.