
DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee aarrcc wweellddeerr iiff tthhee ppoowweerr sswwiittcchh ddooeess nnoott ttuurrnn oonn oorr ooffff!!
Any equipment that cannot be controlled with the power switch is dangerous
and should be repaired or replaced immediately.
e tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt pprrooppeerrllyy wwhheenn nnoott iinn uussee aanndd kkeeeepp oouutt ooff rreeaacchh ooff cchhiill--
ddrreenn aanndd uunnttrraaiinneedd ppeerrssoonnss..
This equipment is extremely dangerous in the
hands of untrained users.
DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo uussee tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt aatt aa ccuurrrreenntt sseettttiinngg oorr dduuttyy ccyyccllee tthhaatt
eexxcceeeeddss tthhoossee ssppeecciiffiie
edd bbyy tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr..
This Arc Welder is engineered
to be operated at the specifications shown on the attached labeling. Deviations
from these specifications could lead to damage to the equipment and/or seri-
ous injury or death to the operator.
AAllwwaayyss ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee ppoowweerr ccoorrdd ffrroomm tthhee ppoowweerr ssoouurrccee bbeeffoorree
mmaakkiinngg aannyy aad
djjuussttmmeennttss,, cchhaannggiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess,, oorr ssttoorriinngg tthhee
aarrcc wweellddeerr..
UUssee ccllaammppss ((nnoott iinncclluuddeedd)) oorr ootthheerr pprraacct
tiiccaall wwaayyss ttoo sseeccuurree tthhee
wwoorrkkppiieeccee ttoo aa ssttaabbllee ppllaattffoorrmm.. EEnnssuurree tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee iiss pprrooppeerrllyy ggrroouunnddeedd
eeffoorree bbeeggiinnnniinngg aannyy wweellddiinngg ooppeerraattiioonnss..
BBeeffoorree uussee,, cchheecckk ffoorr ddaammaaggeedd ppaarrttss aanndd eexxaammiinnee aallll mmoouunnttiinngg
bboollttss aanndd
ootthheerr mmoovviinngg ppaarrttss bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt..
Check the power cord for
breaks and other damage and replace if necessary. Make sure the equipment is
clean, dry, and free from oily substances.
DDoo nnoott uusseedd ddaammaaggeedd eeqquuiippmmeenntt..
teemmpptt ttoo rreeppaaiirr tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr.. OOnnllyy aa qquuaalliiffiieedd tteecchhnniicciiaann sshhoouulldd
mmaakkee rreeppaaiirrss ttoo tthhiiss ttooooll..
DDoo nnoott
ffoorrccee tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt.. AALLWWAAYYSS uussee tthhee ccoorrrreecctt eeqquuiippmmeenntt ffoorr tthhee
aapppplliiccaattiioonn bbeeiinngg wwoorrkkeedd oonn..
The correct equipment will do the job better and
safer at the rate for which it was designed.
UUssee oonnllyy aauutthhoorriizzeedd rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ppaarrttss ffoorr tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr..
ONLY qualified repair technicians using authorized replacement parts must perform
equipment service. Service or maintenance by unqualified personnel could result in
considerable risk of personal injury.
UUssee ooff uunnaauutthhoorriizzeedd ppaarrttss oorr ffaaiilluurree ttoo ffoollllooww
mmaaiinntteennaannccee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss mmaayy ccrreeaattee aa rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy aanndd//oorr ddeeaatthh ffrroomm eelleeccttrriiccaall
AAllwwaayyss rreemmaaiinn aalleerrtt.. BBee aawwaarree ooff yyoouurr ssuurrrroouunnddiinnggss wwhhiillee uussiinngg tthhee AArrcc
WWeellddeerr.. DDoo nno
ott uussee tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr wwhhiillee uunnddeerr tthhee iinnfflluueennccee ooff pprreessccrriippttiioonn
mmeeddiiccaattiioonn oorr aallccoohhooll..
Using prescription medication or alcohol can affect
your senses and slow your reaction time resulting in a serious personal injury
or even death.
BBeeffoorree uussee,,
iinnssppeecctt tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr ffoorr ddaammaaggeedd oorr ddeeffeeccttiivvee ppaarrttss.. DDOO NNOOTT
uussee tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr iiff aannyy ppoorrttiioonn oorr aac
ccceessssoorryy iiss ddaammaaggeedd oorr ddeeffeeccttiivvee..
Carefully inspect the Welder and all the accessories for damage. Check for
breakage of parts, damage to guards and switches, misalignment and/or
seizure of moving parts that could affect the Welder’s operation. Ensure the
Welder will operate properly and perform its intended function. If there should
be damaged or defective parts, call
AAllllttrraaddeess CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt
TTTEEMMPPTT ttoo rreeppaaiirr tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr yyoouurrsseellff..
trained technicians should repair this tool.
DDOO NNOOTT uussee tthhee AArrcc WWeellddeerr iiff tthhee OONN//OOFFFF ddooeess nnoott ffuunncctti
ioonn pprrooppeerrllyy..
Always use ANSI compliant safety equipment.
• Always wear eye and ear protection.
• Use impact resistant safety goggles.
• Wear non-skid safety shoes.
• Always wear an approved welding helmet with the proper filters for the type
of welding you are doing.
• Always wear leather welding gloves and flame resistant clothing with long
Dress Properly
• Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, unrestrained long hair, or any other attire
that may become caught in moving parts of the equipment.
• Always wear ANSI compliant, protective, electrically nonconductive welding
gear including protective clothing, leather welding gloves, welding helmet,
and insulated footwear.
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