Determining Correct Table Height
When you receive the jointer, the knives have
been pre-set at the factory. However, the height
and parallelism of the knives with the outfeed table
should be checked, and any needed adjustments
made, before putting the jointer into operation.
The outfeed table and cutterhead knives are
correctly adjusted when all three blades are
parallel to the outfeed table and all three blades
are set at the same height in the cutterhead.
Outfeed table too high – If the outfeed table is too
high, a curved finished surface results (Figure 31).
Outfeed table too low – If the outfeed table is too
low, the work will have a gouge, or snipe, at the
end of the cut (Figure 32).
Outfeed table at correct setting – Figure 33
illustrates the correct setting of outfeed table level
with the knives. The workpiece will rest firmly on
both tables with no open space under the finished
Figure 31
Figure 32
Figure 33