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System Features
Station Feature Codes
Hold – Individual 336 Places a call on hold so that it can be picked up directly at
that station or through a reverse transfer from any other
station. (Inter-Tel phones use the HOLD button.)
Hold – System 335 Places an outside call on system hold. It can be picked up
directly at any phone that has an individual trunk button
and has allowed-answer and/or outgoing access for that
trunk, or by the station that placed it on hold. (If used on
conference or intercom calls, the system places the call
on individual hold.)
Hunt Group Remove
Hunt Group Replace
Hunt Group Remove/Replace
Removes the station from its assigned hunt group(s) or
places it in again. Does not affect non-hunt group calls.
The remove/replace feature code can be used to toggle
the feature.
LCD Contrast Adjustment 303 (Model 8000 Display Phones Only) Adjusts the LCD con-
trast on the display. The phone must be idle to use this
Message 365 This feature code is used for leaving and retrieving a mes-
sage waiting indication at a called station or the called sta-
tion’s message center. Depending on how the message
was left, the called station user either retrieves the mes-
sage from his/her message center or from the station that
left the message. (Inter-Tel phones use the MSG button.)
Message – Cancel 366 Allows the station user to cancel a message waiting indi-
cation that he or she left at another station.
Message – Cancel Current 368 Cancels a message waiting indication that is waiting at the
station without requiring the user to respond to it. (Inter-Tel
phones can use the asterisk [*] button while viewing the
Message – Silent 367 Leaves a message waiting indication at a station without
first placing an intercom call. (This is the code that should
be used by analog voice mail units connected to the sys-
Mute On/Off 314 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Turns the microphone on or off
during a call. If muted, the phone user can hear the other
party, but the party cannot hear the phone user. (Inter-Tel
phones can also use the MUTE button.)
Page 7 When followed by a paging zone code (0-9 or 0-49), it
allows announcements to be made through phone speak-
ers and any external paging speakers in the page zone.
(Analog phones have a default PAGE button.)
Page On/Off 325 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) Halts pages through the phone
speaker or allows them to be received again.
Program Bit Rate 393 (Model 8560, Executive Display, Professional Display,
Model 8520, Standard Display, and Associate Display
Phones Only) This allows a user to change the bit per
second (bps) rate of an attached PCDPM’s serial port.
Program Keys 397 (Inter-Tel Phones Only) User-programmable feature but-
tons and station speed-dial buttons can be programmed
using this feature code.