ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Health Event Strings
Technical Product Specification 73
11.4.4 Chassis Location
Note: Chassis power supply detected and removed events are only generated with IPMI power supplies.
"FRU unreadable!" 189 Critical
"RTC battery power lost." 190 Critical
"I2C failure while reading RTC." 191 Critical
"Primary FRU is corrupted." 272 Major
"Secondary FRU is corrupted." 273 Major
"FRU is corrupted!" 274 Critical
Table 32. Telco Alarm Sensor Event Strings (TASensor[1,2])
Event String Event Code Event Severity
“asserted.” 96 Major
“deasserted.” 97 OK
Table 33. LAN Sensor Event Strings (Eth[0,1,1:1] Interface)
Event String Event Code Event Severity
“Duplicate IP address detected on the network.” 84 Major
“Duplicate IP address corrected.” 85 OK
Table 34. Fan Tray Presence Event Strings (Fan Tray [1-3] Presence)
Event String Event Code Event Severity
"Fan Tray Removed" 64 Major
"Fan Tray Inserted" 65 OK
Table 35. Chassis Power Supply Event Strings (Pwr Supply N)
Event String Event Code Event Severity
"Recovered from error conditions" 48 OK
"Power Supply Failure detected" 49 Critical
"Power Supply Degraded" 50 Minor
“Power Supply detected” 53 OK
“Power Supply removed” 54 Major
Table 31. BIST Event Strings (BIST) (Sheet 2 of 2)
Event String Event Code Event Severity