
Intel Storage System SSR212PP User Guide 5
Completing the Switch Information Worksheet
On the worksheet, for each switch port, indicate the SP or HBA port to which the switch
port will connect.
SP-to-Switch Connections
Specify the SP-to-switch connections. For preconfigured switches, ports 0 and 4 are the
only two switch ports you can connect to storage system SP ports; if you will use both
switch ports, specify connections for each. These identify the SP (A or B) and the SP port
(labeled FE 0 or FE 1) that you will connect to each switch port.
Switch-to-Server-HBA Connections
Specify switch-to-server connections here for any of the switch ports (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7...16
in preconfigured, switches) that you will connect to a server HBA. Specify the server
name and HBA name, if you plan to the HBA using Navisphere¤ software.
If you have a second switch, specify the connections you will make to that switch.