Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3500
December 2013 Product Specification
328860-002US 13
2.6 Reliability
Intel SSD DC S3500 meets or exceeds SSD endurance and data retention requirements
as specified in the JESD218 standard. Reliability specifications are listed in the table
Table 14. Reliability Specifications
Parameter Value
Uncorrectable Bit Error Rate (UBER)
< 1 sector per 10
bits read
Uncorrectable bit error rate will not exceed one sector in the
specified number of bits read. In the unlikely event of a
non-recoverable read error, the SSD will report it as a read failure to
the host; the sector in error is considered corrupt and is not returned
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
2,000,000 hours
Mean Time Between Failures is estimated based on Telcordia*
methodology and demonstrated through Reliability Demonstration
Power On/Off Cycles
24 per day
Power On/Off Cycles is defined as power being removed from the
SSD, and then restored. Most host systems remove power from the
SSD when entering suspend and hibernate as well as on a system
Insertion Cycles
SATA/power cable insertion/removal cycles.
50 on SATA cable
500 on backplane
Data Retention
3 months power-off retention once SSD
reaches rated write endurance at 40 °C
The time period for retaining data in the NAND at maximum rated
Endurance Rating
80 GB: 45 TBW
120 GB:70 TBW
160 GB: 100 TBW
240 GB: 140 TBW
300 GB: 170 TBW
400 GB: 225 TBW
480 GB: 275 TBW
600 GB: 330 TBW
800 GB: 450 TBW
while running JESD218 standard
Based on JESD219 workload.
1. Refer to JESD218 standard table 1 for UBER, FFR and other Enterprise SSD requirements