Server System SR1550AL/SR1550ALSAS User’s Guide 107
0x50h OFF R OFF R Enumerating PCI busses
0x51h OFF R OFF A Allocating resources to PCI busses
0x52h OFF R G R Hot Plug PCI controller initialization
0x53h OFF R G A Reserved for PCI bus
0x54h OFF A OFF R Reserved for PCI bus
0x55h OFF A OFF A Reserved for PCI bus
0x56h OFF A G R Reserved for PCI bus
0x57h OFF A G A Reserved for PCI bus
0x58h G R OFF R Resetting USB bus
0x59h G R OFF A Reserved for USB devices
0x5Ah G R G R Resetting PATA / SATA bus and all devices
0x5Bh G R G A Reserved for ATA
0x5Ch G A OFF R Resetting SMBUS
0x5Dh G A OFF A Reserved for SMBUS
Local Console
0x70h OFFRRRResetting the video controller (VGA)
0x71h OFF R R A Disabling the video controller (VGA)
0x72h OFF R A R Enabling the video controller (VGA)
Remote Console
0x78h G RRRResetting the console controller
0x79h G R R A Disabling the console controller
0x7Ah G R A R Enabling the console controller
Keyboard (PS2 or USB)
0x90h R OFF OFF R Resetting the keyboard
0x91h R OFF OFF A Disabling the keyboard
0x92h R OFF G R Detecting the presence of the keyboard
Table 12. Diagnostic LED POST Code Decoder