There are specific Fibre Channel Expansion Card settings that you cannot modify. Table 5 describes
these settings and gives examples.
Note: See the device driver installation instructions for the required operating system specific
modifications to the NVRAM.
BIOS address: The BIOS address is the Fibre Channel Expansion Card I/O address where the BIOS
code is stored when you press Ctrl+Q. This is the address of the BIOS code in ROM shadow
BIOS revision: The BIOS revision is the revision number of the loaded BIOS code on the Fibre
Channel Expansion Card.
Adapter Serial Number: This number is for manufacturing use only. It does not correlate to
external labels or to the adapter port name of the Fibre Channel Expansion Card.
Interrupt level: The interrupt level is the interrupt that is used by the Fibre Channel Expansion
Card. The interrupt level can change when the operating system is installed.
Adapter port name: This is the worldwide port name of the Fibre Channel Expansion Card.
Selectable Boot settings
To access this option, select Selectable Boot Settings. For more information about boot settings,
contact your Intel technical support representative.
Restore Default settings
This option is in the Configuration Settings menu. It restores the Fibre Channel Expansion Card
default NVRAM settings.
Raw NOVRAM data
Use this option to display the Fibre Channel Expansion Card NVRAM contents in hexadecimal
format. This is a troubleshooting tool; you cannot modify the data.
Table 5. Nonmodifiable Fibre Channel Expansion Card settings and examples
Setting Example
BIOS address CD400
BIOS revision 1.38
Adapter serial number E59719
Interrupt level 3
Adapter port name 210000096B07C703