Intel® Server Board SDS2 Electrical and Thermal Specifications
Revision 1.2
Order Number: A85874-002
Table 82. SDS2 Server Board Power Consumption
Device(s) +3.3 V +5 V +12 V -12 V 5 V Standby
Server Board 3.85 A 2.5 A 0.3 A 0.1 A 1.2 A
Processors – – 6.3A – –
Memory 8.3A – – – –
PCI Slots 6.1A 2A 0.2A 0.1A –
Fans – – 1.3A – –
Peripherals – 4.7 A 4.6 A – –
Total Current 18.25 A 9.2 A 12.7 A 0.2 A 1.2 A Total
Total Power 60.23 W 46.0 W 152.4 W 2.4 W 6.0 W 267.0W
10.3 Power Supply Specification
This section provides power supply design guidelines for an SDS2-based system; including
voltage and current specifications, and power supply on/off sequencing characteristics.
Table 83: SDS2 Power Supply Specification
Output Min Nom Max Units Tolerance
3.3 V 3.14 3.3 3.47 V ± 5%
5 V 4.75 5.0 5.25 V ± 5%
12 V 11.40 12.0 12.60 V ± 5%
-12 V -10.80 -12.0 -13.20 V ± 10%
5 VSB 4.75 5.0 5.25 V ± 5%
10.3.1 Power Timing
The following are the timing requirements for single power supply operation. Output voltages
must rise from 10% to within regulation limits (T
) within 5 to 70 ms. The +3.3 V, +5 V and
+12 V output voltages begin to rise approximately at the same time. All outputs must rise
monotonically. The +5 V output must be greater than the +3.3 V output during any point of the
voltage rise, however, never by more than 2.25 V. Each output voltage shall reach regulation
within 50 ms (T
) of each other and begin to turn off within 400 ms (T
) of each other.
The following table shows the output voltage timing parameters.
Table 84: Voltage Timing Parameters
Item Description Min Max Units
Output voltage rise time from each main output. 5 70 msec
All main outputs must be within regulation of each other within this
50 msec
All main outputs must leave regulation within this time. 400 msec