Management ACL Commands
Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10 CLI Guide 147
permit (Management)
The permit Management Access-List Configuration mode command defines a permit
permit [ethernet interface-number | vlan vlan-id | port-channel port-channel-number |]
service service]
permit ip-source ip-address [mask mask | prefix-length] [ethernet interface-number |
vlan vlan-id | port-channel port-channel-number |] [service service]
• interface-number — A valid Ethernet port number.
• vlan-id — A valid VLAN number.
• port-channel-number — A valid port channel index.
• ip-address — A valid source IP address.
• mask — A valid network mask of the source IP address.
• prefix-length — Number of bits that comprise the source IP address prefix. The prefix length
must be preceded by a forward slash (/). (Range: 0-32)
• service — Service type. Possible values: telnet, ssh, http, https and snmp.
Default Configuration
If no permit rule is defined, the default is set to deny.
Command Mode
Management Access-list Configuration mode
User Guidelines
Rules with Ethernet, VLAN and port-channel parameters are valid only if an IP address is
defined on the appropriate interface.
The system supports up to 128 management access rules.
The following example permits all ports in the mlist access list.
Console(config)# management access-list mlist
Console(config-macl)# permit