Picture Product Code MM # UPC MOQ Description
See SC5650 chassis Service Guide for upgrade instruction.
FPPTFANKIT4W 901182 00735858207713 1 Spare 4-wire fan kit for Intel
Server Chassis SC5650 family.
Includes 1 front PCI zone Fan (120mm), 1 rear chassis fan
(120mm, blue header), and 1 HDD cage fan (92mm).
FXXPPTFPBRD 901360 00735858207737 1 Spare front panel board for Intel
Server Chassis SC5650
FXXIPMBCBL 878135 00735858180085 10 Spare IPMB cables
FXXSESCBL 877945 00735858180092 10 Spare SES cables
FXXSGPIOCBL 877944 00735858180108 10 Spare SGPIO cables
AXXRJ45DB92 881944 00735858155212 1
Contains two serial cable converter dongles (RJ45 to DB9) one
for DSD and one for DCD (modem). The kit also includes one
serial ribbon cable for cabling 2nd serial port from the baseboard.
Note: Not use the serial ribbon cable with the Intel Server Chassis
FXX4DRV3GRBRD 901336 00735858206389 1 Spare board for AXX4DRV3GR (4 drive backplane without an