The Intel
Health Guide PHS6000
engages and empowers patients to
take a more active and positive role in
their own care. Its features include:
Interactive Patient Health Sessions
The Intel® Health Guide PHS6000 allows
each patient to participate in a health session
personalised for his or her specic situation.
These sessions are designed and scheduled
by the patient’s healthcare professional. During
each session, the patient may measure their
vital signs, respond to health assessment questions,
receive educational information and motivational
messages and complete surveys. Once the session
is completed, the results are made available to
authorised healthcare professionals who can use
the latest recorded information to assess each
patient’s health status and to modify the patient’s
care plan accordingly.
Multimedia Educational Library
The Intel Health Guide PHS6000 provides a variety
of multimedia content, including text, audio, and
video. Healthcare professionals can include content
as part of a patient’s scheduled health session,
and arrange for educational content to be played
for a patient when a threshold is met or exceeded
to take advantage of a “teachable moment.”
Patients can also access the content at anytime
that is convenient for them, and organisations
can add additional educational content to the
patients’ libraries.
Two-way Video Calls
The Intel Health Guide PHS6000 includes an
integrated video camera, allowing healthcare
professionals to arrange and conduct two-way
video calls with their patients. This helps them
strengthen their interaction with their patients
by observing them performing specic tasks, or
providing advice and encouragement.
Health Guide PHS6000 Features