Details on Ordering Processors:
The NSC2U is designed for the Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® 5400 and 5300 processor series,
and also supports selected SKUs from the Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® 5100 series processors.
Ordering details for the supported processors for the NSC2U are listed below. These
include the choice of either Tray (for OEMs) or Boxed (Retail channel) processors.
Processors Supported by NSC2U:
Boxed Processor Tray Processor Processor
Life Cores Speed TDP FSB
Product Code MM# Product Code MM#
E5440 Yes Quad 2.83 GHz 80W 1333 MHz BX80574E5440P
894824 EU80574KJ073N 893484
L5410 Yes Quad 2.33 GHz 50W 1333 MHz BX80574L5410P 894835 EU80574JJ053N 893491
E5345 Yes Quad 2.33 GHz 80W 1333 MHz BX80563E5345P
892334 HH80563QJ0538M 891115
E5335 Yes Quad 2.00 GHz 80W 1333 MHz BX80563E5335P
892335 HH80563QJ0418M 891116
E5320 No Quad 1.86 GHz 80W 1066 MHz BX80563E5320P
892337 HH80563QH0368M 891118
E5310 No Quad 1.60 GHz 80W 1066 MHz BX80563E5310P
892333 HH80563QH0258M 891121
5160 No Dual 3.00 GHz 80W 1333 MHz BX805565160P 892200 HH80556KJ0804M 891706
5140 Yes Dual 2.33 GHz 65W 1333 MHz BX805565140P 892169 HH80556KJ0534M 891730
5130 Yes Dual 2.00 GHz 65W 1333 MHz BX805565130P 884531 HH80556KJ0414M 891731
LV 5128 Yes Dual 1.86 GHz 40W 1066 MHz
N/A N/A HH80556JH0364M 891704
Although all of the above processors have been certified on the NSC2U, Intel recommends the
use of the following processors from Intel’s Embedded Communications and Processor Division
(ECG) for long availability and support:
o E5440 (Quad-Core, 2.83 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB, TDP=80 W)
o L5410 (Quad-Core, 2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB, TDP=50W)
o E5345 (Quad-Core, 2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB, TDP=80 W)
o E5335 (Quad-Core, 2.00 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB, TDP=80 W)
o 5140 (Dual-Core, 2.33 GHz, 1333MHz FSB, TDP=65W)
o 5130 (Dual-Core, 2.00 GHz, 1333MHz FSB, TDP=65W)
o LV 5128 (Dual-Core, 1.86 GHz, 1066MHz FSB, TDP=40W)
o This product requires Passive heatsinks. The boxed processors listed above include a
Passive Heatsink Kit, made of aluminum. Do not use Active Fan Heatsinks, which are
provided in some Retail Boxed Processors.
o For Tray processors, you will need to procure a Heatsink for each processor (see
NSCSNKCLP01 in the Spares/Accessories list below). This is a copper heatsink. There
are no clips needed for this heatsink, since the heatsink includes captive screws.
o If ordering other Boxed Processors (not listed here), do not use the fansink, which
might be included.
Note that processor product codes can change, and that the above is a snapshot current as of
3/28/2008. Please consult with your Intel representative for SSpec or MM# which might be
needed for ordering the processor. Any differences in functionality are reported in the
Monthly Specification updates available at http://developer.intel.com.
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