Feature Summary
Motherboard GA-9IVDPC
Processor Supported Dual socket 604 for Intel
Xeon(Nocona/Irwindale) processor
suopprts 3.6 GB and upper
Xeon (Nocona/Irwindale) CPUs supports 800 MHz FSB
2nd cache depend on CPU
Chipset Intel
E7320 Chipset
System Memory:
Memory Capacity Supports maximum 32GB with DDR 266
Supports maximum 16GB with DDR333
Memory Type 8 x Registered DDR 266 scoket
6 x Registered DDR 333 scoket
Error Correction: Single-bit Errors Correction, Multiple Bit Errors Detection
Additional Features DIMM Sparing support, support for RASUM fail-over to an on-line
spare DIMM device
Expansion Slot 1 riser card supports 1 x PCI-X 64/66MHz add-on card
1 x PCI-E x8 slot
RAID Supported Adaptec
Supports Host RAID 0,1,10
Cooling Fans: 4 X CPU Fans
1 X Power Fan
Integrated LANs:
Controller Broadcom
BCM5721 and BCM 5705 GbE
Features WOL, Teaming, ALB, AFT
BCM5721 supports PCI-Express
BCM5705 suports PCI 32/33MHz
Integrated Graphics:
Controller Integrated ATI Rage XL
Mass Storage System 4 x Hot Swapable SCSIHDDs
1 Slim Type 24X CD-ROM
Chapter 1 Features Summary