Setting up the Switch
460T Switch Setup
Module A LEDs
The LEDs are located on the front of the switch above ports 9-16. These
LEDs provide information about the 100FX, 1000SX, or 1000LX module
such as the module’s status, link, port activity, and collisions.
Module A
Port 1 Port 2
LED Status Meaning
Status Solid green Module is present and functioning.
Off No module present.
Link\Act\Coll Solid green Device linked.
Blinking green Receiving activity on that port.
Blinking orange A collision was detected on this segment.
Off No link detected.
When you are using the 1000SX, 1000LX, or 1000T module, only the port 1
LED will blink and show activity because the module has only one port.
Configuring Modules
Generally, you do not need to make any changes to the optional modules
because they are designed to configure themselves automatically for the
attached device. However, you might need to configure the modules in order
to communicate with older devices. You can use the Local Management or
Web Device Manager to configure the 100FX, 1000SX, 1000LX, or 1000T
modules. See Chapter 4 for more information about the Web Device
Manager, and Chapter 5 for more information about Local Management.